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Mine is probably when I swallow the ball on my tongue bar (you'd be surprised how much that happens) or when you buy something with a sticky label on it and when you peel it off it's still really sticky and horrible.


Your turn :)

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Ah, I see.


Well there are quite a few of these for me, but I can't think of them all off the top of my head.


Many of them involve people who are deliberately ignorant/nasty, but I won't go into detail as I could start ranting :P



One thing that keeps popping up in my mind is this girl who picks her ears with her pinky finger while talking to me sometimes. Completely and utterly disgusts me...


Ahahahaaa! That's hilarious. Maybe you should anonymously buy her some cotton buds to clean them with ;)


Haha, I don't know if she realizes she does it. She's not very smart... she probably wouldn't take the hint. 0:)


Aww bless. You could make her finger a 'disposable hat' made out of cotton wool and draw a smiley face on it or something to make it more appealing?


(p.s I tend to get way into crazy hypothetical situations so please just stop me now before I go off on one properly haha!)


Aww bless. You could make her finger a 'disposable hat' made out of cotton wool and draw a smiley face on it or something to make it more appealing?


(p.s I tend to get way into crazy hypothetical situations so please just stop me now before I go off on one properly haha!)


Haha, it's okay it's amusing to listen to you.


But to be honest, I'd rather she learned that picking your ears in public isn't nice. Save that for the bathroom.


hahahah iona oh my that is just gross


I have a few but quickly I would say ...

people who sniff all the time, gee get a kleenex and blow pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

people who bathe in thier perfume or aftershave argggggggggg do you really stink that much that you have to cover it with a scent lol


hahahah iona oh my that is just gross


I have a few but quickly I would say ...

people who sniff all the time, gee get a kleenex and blow pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

people who bathe in thier perfume or aftershave argggggggggg do you really stink that much that you have to cover it with a scent lol



I totally agree.

Though sometimes I'm a culprit for sniffing... but usually it's because blowing my nose didn't really do anything at all.

And yes! What's worse is when the smell of their perfume/aftershave mixes in with any body odour they are attempting to cover up. It makes it even worse.


hahahah iona oh my that is just gross


I have a few but quickly I would say ...

people who sniff all the time, gee get a kleenex and blow pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

people who bathe in thier perfume or aftershave argggggggggg do you really stink that much that you have to cover it with a scent lol


Ewww nooo! Keep it up there! I friggin HATE people who blow their nose all the time and keep mingin old tissues in their pockets. My grandma keeps a hankie up her sleeve and it makes me feel really queasy :(


Ewww nooo! Keep it up there! I friggin HATE people who blow their nose all the time and keep mingin old tissues in their pockets. My grandma keeps a hankie up her sleeve and it makes me feel really queasy :(

hahhahaha I can't stop laughing (I am a visual person and can see it right now). How true


Still luaghing :laughingsmiley:


Ewww nooo! Keep it up there! I friggin HATE people who blow their nose all the time and keep mingin old tissues in their pockets. My grandma keeps a hankie up her sleeve and it makes me feel really queasy :(


Hahaha. I tend to deposit of any used tissues ASAP. Keeping them in your pockets is yucky.


Oh yay, somebody else who says "mingin'", where are you from? :P


Brighton in England. Probably the best seaside city there ever was! We are gay capital of the UK, BOO YAH! What about you? If you say minging too there's no way you could be American?!


Oh and Kat I did exactly the same thing earlier when I pictured that girl with her finger in her ear and a look of disgust on Ionas face (well I say that but it was kind of a generic face seeing as I don't know what she looks like :P)


Brighton in England. Probably the best seaside city there ever was! We are gay capital of the UK, BOO YAH! What about you? If you say minging too there's no way you could be American?!


Oh, it says that on the left I should have checked!


Nope, I'm Scottish! Live in a town near the capital :P


High five for UK!


EDIT: And I'm like you guys, I tend to picture what people say xD


Yeahh hurray for UK! :D I haven't met a lot of people from our neck of the woods on here, howdy diddly neighbor!


And Sam, how exactly do you mean?


WOW kewl, nice to meet you teamshannon UK and Iona Scotland, never been to either place but would love someday to go to both (been to the Netherlands 1995)


remembered another peeve - people who talk to you but don't actually look you in the eye


WOW kewl, nice to meet you teamshannon UK and Iona Scotland, never been to either place but would love someday to go to both (been to the Netherlands 1995)


remembered another peeve - people who talk to you but don't actually look you in the eye


Nice to meet you too KittyKat of Kanada ;) Oooh Holland! I can think of two things people go there for... Which was it, sex or drugs? hahaaa (I really hope you're over 18 and I'm not influencing a young innocent mind now I've said that :P)


And see, you say that but would you prefer it if someone was really staring at you right in the eyes? That really really creeps me out. Like when some guys give you that really fixated "I'm trying to look deep into your soul" stare, really gives me the heebies!


And see, you say that but would you prefer it if someone was really staring at you right in the eyes? That really really creeps me out. Like when some guys give you that really fixated "I'm trying to look deep into your soul" stare, really gives me the heebies!


I think it's a matter of getting the balance right there. Avoiding eye contact can dishearten people, but too much can creep people out.


The mushy sound when people eat bananas! STOP THAT!

Or when people crack their knuckles...


Haaa, I've never thought of that mushy sound before but now you mention it I'm like "wow, I totally know what you mean".

Knuckle cracking only bothers me when people do it excessively.


EDIT: I love your avatar. Misfits is such a good series! <3


My biggest pet peeves?








and people that can't locate places on a map. Like Cuba. If you can't point out Cuba on a map, please study a map!


My biggest pet peeves?








Agree on this one. It's shocking how many people make those same mistakes, over and over.

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