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What is a prayer that you use daily?


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So, for those that "pray" and actually believe in a God - what's a prayer that you use daily? Is it from the bible? Or is something that you made up?


I know one of my favorites is:

"Dear heavenly father,

Thank you for blessing me with another day here on earth, please give me the strength and courage to make it through this day"

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I don't have a formal prayer. I just talk to God and tell him firstly that I appreciate everything He's given me, then I ask him to take care of my loved ones, and then I ask Him to help me with whatever.


Sometimes the prayers are more specific than others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As im neither a Catholic nor Christian, i have a question. When do you guys pray?

I only pray when my friends or family are in pain or in need of help. So the answer the original question, I don't have a daily prayer.

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I'm not at all a religious person...but I went to a Catholic school for two years, and this topic totally just reminded me about how we had a morning prayer every morning. And someone from the 8th grade class would have to say it over the intercom to lead the whole school. Totally forgot about all that until I saw this question.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm "spiritual but not religious", as they say, so I don't have any sort of prayer from the Bible and like Viridian, only pray when I'm particularly thankful for something or in need. However, once I was walking down the street and overheard someone say, "Today is a gift." That may not even have been what he said, but it's what I heard, and I really like that sentence - I kind of repeat it to myself whenever I'm having a bad day, to remind me of all the things to be thankful for in every single day. Maybe this is more of a quote than a prayer, but to me it has strong spiritual significance so...I guess I'll post it here, haha.



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