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1. Can you get Transparent from a FFQ?


2. When you successfully complete a FFQ, do you have to paint the pet right away, or can you come back later? Like, after enough time to transfer a pet to your account.


Wishful thinking...hoping an FFQ results from the new Faerie Quests :)

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Transparent is probably a FFQ color, but I cannot check because I don't have any species that could be paint transparent...


You can claim your FFQ whenever you want. I haven't claimed mine yet, and it's been over a year.

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If you haven't claimed your free painting job and turn in items for another quest to the rainbow faerie, the first quest gets cancelled. That means that you should claim your FFQ prize before completing another one.

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You can still do other FQs and keep your FFQ, but if you get a second FFQ, you must use the first one before completing the second one.

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The TDN page regarding the quests:


"The following colors are colors you cannot obtain through a FFQ: Ice, Magma, MSP, Robot, Royal, Sponge, Quiguki and Usuki."


this seems pretty up to date, as magma is included, so evidently, transparent is an option

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