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When I was little I would bid on random things just because I liked bidding, but now that I play "Seriously" I haven't even gone to them. Are they useful or profitable? Opinions? :)


Yeah, i use the auctions. The auctions is a great way to either gain better deals vis-a-vis TP and/or boost profit towards selling a certain item. If I have an item that's within Shop Wizard cost, but can't decide on my price point, I usually put it up for auctions and wait and see at which price people will buy it for :)


I don't really use it, I kinda forget that it's there. I did use the auctions recently to sell a Tyrannian PB I got from KeyQuest because I had no takers on the TP but it's not usually my first choice if I want to buy/sell.


there are a lot of crazy people out there in the auction house .. sometimes you have 20 bids/second on one item esp. if it's a discounted MP or a paint brush ... omg i have no idea how they do it .....


the only time i used the auctions is when i wanted to sell my Draik Trans and I got more than 150 junk and/or low offers from greedy people in 2 days .. so i moved it to the auctions and ended up selling it for around 12 mil .....


i use it. its a great way to get rid of stuff or get items from people for lending (easy way to transfer collateral back and forth)


It confuses me slightly, I don't really use it. More of a trading post kinda gal, find it a little more straightforward!

Might reconsider and start using it now though, seems pretty well spoken of. I just get a bit :S when I see all those numbers!


Auctions usually have more accurate prices I think.

and sometimes you can find something for a LOTTT cheaper than TP.


I don't like how long auctions take though. and you can't withdraw from them


I like the fact that you can bid way more than the 800K cap on the TP. It's good for getting rid of more valuable items that you want pure for. Personally I've found more bad "deals" than good ones. Usually two dubloon coins starting bidding at over 10k, 20k for a basic negg, etc. Makes you wonder if people are new to the game and don't know how much things are worth, are looking for a lucky click, lending for pure collat, or are transferring points between accounts. I prefer the trading post myself, as you can specify all of this in the wishlist field and avoid putting neopoints into something that you have no chance of getting and, in the case of auctions, not having those np on hand for up to 2 days. I guess my verdict on the Auction House is good for really expensive items, but the TP is much better for everyday items.


I use auctions only for fun. Prices are often very good, and you will never know what can be found there... ^_^


i also hate the competitiveness part. but its great for getting rid of items fairly quickly, if you start the bidding low enough and are willing to take a loss sometimes. but if you get it from a random event, quick nps are always great :)


Auctions are great for higher level items, but a lot of the time, for cheaper items like neggs and codestones, you get people who overprice them by a bit, so you end up losing out in the end. Competitive bidding can be fun though, and profitable. My old guild held a cheap baby PB auction, and I got it for about 150k. Then a few days later, there was a Ghostkerbomb going for 3.5M, and I missed it :sad02: So sometimes you get there, and sometimes you don't.


It's just a tool for selling/buying items, same as TP and shops. Just a different method :D

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