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Ok- go to the punch club. If you right click, an option to "view page source" comes up. Click it. Scroll down untill you see text that looks like


<td class="content">

<B>The Colosseum</B><BR><BR>In a secluded alley behind the Colosseum are gathered a group of Neopets... This is Punch Club.<BR><BR><MAP name="map_punch"><AREA shape="poly" coords="144,215,149,209,161,205,185,205,202,213,202,222,184,229,165,229,146,222" href="/altador/colosseum.phtml?pchv=44825e1bcf5e472986e8a81cc3a13c63&pc_go=1&punch1=e56c3e9cf070258c33d782431edb8c12"><AREA shape="poly" coords="228,203,232,196,240,192,269,192,280,199,280,204,275,209,264,213,244,213,232,209" href="/altador/colosseum.phtml?pchv=44825e1bcf5e472986e8a81cc3a13c63&pc_go=1&punch1=40da6eb77c8da6353a402d8a8c696e25"><AREA shape="poly" coords="301,199,314,190,336,190,344,192,353,198,343,205,328,207,314,206,306,204" href="/altador/colosseum.phtml?pchv=44825e1bcf5e472986e8a81cc3a13c63&pc_go=1&punch1=e056df5caf93216c32a3f1f0900bbd7d"></MAP><DIV align="center"><IMG src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/punch_club_main_d1606c0f61.gif" width="400" height="300" border="0" usemap="#map_punch"><BR><BR><B>"Would you like some punch?"</B></DIV><BR>Perhaps you should try some punch. You don't want to be rude.<BR><BR><BR><center><form action='/altador/colosseum.phtml' method='get'><input type='submit' value='Return to the Colosseum'></form></center>

<br clear="all">


See how there are 3 things that look like /altador/colosseum.phtml?pchv=44825e1bcf5e472986e8a81cc3a13c63&pc_go=1&punch1=e56c3e9cf070258c33d782431edb8c12 ? This is a link for clicking on 1 of the punch bowls. Right click on the links, 1 at a time, and select "open in new tab". x out of the original punch club window and the window with the links after all 3 links are in new tabs. *Go to the tab farthest to the left. see the source. open the links. x out. do it 1 more time. now, go to the farthest tab to the left and click the goblet. if it doesn't work, x out. repeat for the next 2 tabs. now, repeat from the * until you are able to click the goblet! :D


wow. This looks interesting. I've finished the plot but this could save me a lot of time if I ever think of switching mains (which I'm planning in a few months time). I remember getting stuck on this step for a while lol. Can someone verify that it works?


I could be interpreting this wrongly, but this is an optimised way of trying all the combinations, right? :)


I could be interpreting this wrongly, but this is an optimised way of trying all the combinations, right? :)


Yes, you are interpreting this correct, but it helps you keep from missing that ONE combination that will do it or from not clicking and messing the whole thing up ("What was the last one I did again...?") I really hope it helps though!


I see no reason why it wouldn't help. If it doesn't work for some people, they can post here and we can refine the method. :yes:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm... this should work with the view source utility for all modern browsers. The one possible exception is Internet Explorer, although I haven't checked that in a while.

  • 1 month later...

i cannot click on that golden cup.... wtf is that, browser error, game error ? aaaah. i cannot go on, for 2months or so, can't find the problem... anyone same prob? or solution? *argh* :grrr:


You may want to go and try the method mentioned in the first post if you haven't already. ;)


Otherwise, make sure you've completed all the plot steps prior to this one, and wait for the page to reload after clicking each bowl. Clearing your web browser's cache and cookies may help as well.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

@Victoria the HTML code is going to be different for everybody, just ctrl+f for " /altador/colosseum. " and it should be like the fourth one down.

  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I utterly hated this part of the plot. And the water plant, oh the water plant.

/soft grumbling

However this seems very useful, I'll have to look into this.

  • 1 year later...

I've tried it all! all combinations! but i'm still stuck! for about a month or so! i dont know what to do anymore... I've tried all combinations at least 5 times...

  • 7 months later...

Im helping a friend do this and he's stuck. I know that he has done everything up to this point correctly. We have gone through all of the possible combinations for the bowls and also tried the source code method, with no progress. Any other possible troubleshooting methods recommended? 

  • 10 months later...

I've tried it all! all combinations! but i'm still stuck! for about a month or so! i dont know what to do anymore... I've tried all combinations at least 5 times...  

me toooooooooooooooooooo /.\

I've tried all combinations but nothing happened.......am I supposed to refresh after failed trying a combination or not refresh and keep trying? or does it actually matter? 


me toooooooooooooooooooo /.\

I've tried all combinations but nothing happened.......am I supposed to refresh after failed trying a combination or not refresh and keep trying? or does it actually matter? 


I know it sucks, but you should probably try all of the combinations one more time, just to make sure you didn't forget one or get one wrong. Have you been using TDN's guide? There's a list of every combination here


Second, are you sure that it hasn't worked? The movement of the bowl is VERY subtle. Have you tried clicking on the chalice to see if it works? 

  • 1 year later...

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