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Xandra Mask

Xandras Cunning Disguise

Ogrin Master Fortune Cookie

Dangerous Artefact Keyring

Harmful Faerie Artefacts

Mint Condition Brightvale Guard Action Figure Set

Autographed Hanso Drawing Lithograph

Hansos Thief Jacket

Hansos Legitimately Acquired Dagger

Hanso Charisma Charm

Adorable Wraith Plushie

Captive Shadow Wraith

Brynns Legendary Sword of Wraith Smiting

Brynns Brightvale Tunic

The Nox Memoirs

Noxs Mansion Background

Stone Faerie Statue

King Jazan Plushie

Brynnso Plushie Set

Angry Xandra Bobblehead

Jazans Guyliner

Stone Pie


I'll have to add Wand of Xandra to that list ;) But I'll just put it in this post instead.


Hmmm...I want the plushies the BG and a BD item...for some reason I don't think I'm gonna have enough plot points!


I am so excited about this! It's the first plot I participated in since the Lost Desert one. Unfortunately I missed the last 1.5 months of the plot because I was in a faraway place with no internet - not that that wasn't awesome - so I guess I won't have enough points for the things I want. *cries* I'll be going for plushies if I can!

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