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I'm one pet away, from achieving all my goals :O


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Today, I painted my Moehog Royal!

I've been wanting to do this for quite a while now, so I was VERY excited when we went to the Rainbow pool earlier today.

She's so cute :O

-Cuddles Pollyatta-


I also Painted my Gelert Biscuit, and my Yurble Starry.

Just because I could, and I thought they were adorable. :)


Oh, and I have the Lab ray now, and access to the Petpet Ray also on a side account!


And I still have some NP left in my Bank account.

I need to save to paint my Chia Baby though!

Which might take some time because none of the Games will load on my New Laptop, and even though I have over 5mil NP in my bank account I can't get any NP out of it out because Stupid me forgot my Pin Number....



Anyway, enough about me :O

How close are you all to your Goals? :D


P.S. I'm addicted to that new Habitarium thing. Although, I have to admit I have no idea how to play it. The little Larnikin things are so cute! Although... I keep running out of food, Which is... Bad. And I don't have enough Resources to buy new Food. :O

Oh Noes!

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I have a load of goals, but I'm trying really hard not to focus on them, or even think of them. My main goal is to buy a lost desert draik egg - currently about 13mil on the trading post. I've got 2.1mil right now, and it's still so daunting, so I'm just chuggin' away xD

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I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard for you to get a Lost Desert Draik egg, If you try hard enough and are persistent :)

Just keep chuggin' away.


Lost Desert Draiks are adorable :O

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I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard for you to get a Lost Desert Draik egg, If you try hard enough and are persistent :)

Just keep chuggin' away.


Lost Desert Draiks are adorable :O


It actually is surprisingly easier than I expected when I was debating starting to save for one. I had 800k on December lie, 20 something. Now i've got 2mil like two weeks later. My best friend keeps cheering for me over Skype and on the phone (she's pretty much as excited as I am xD).


Hehe, why thank you! I 100% agree. ^_^ I've got her personality all planned out, an entire folder on google chrome with custom ideas.. I might even suggest a desert theme layout to Trapeze and ask that if they DO make one that my draik is the example pet x]

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It's actually quite easy to send for your PIN. Just head over to your PIN prefrences and hit the retreive button at the bottom.


Anyways, congrats on paiting. That's always a great achomplishment.

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Then you have to submit a help ticket. No other choice, really.


Also, congratulations on painting your pet. I want an Ice Shoyru, so I'm pretty much out of luck. I'm far too scared to use the lab ray on her, because I happen to really really like her as a shoyru.... and I have no idea how long it will take to get her to BE an ice shoyru. I also happen to not want to part with her name.


I'm also debating using my Green Uni Morphing potion on my Lupe, because he was named after Sun Chaser, a unicorn in the Unicorn's of Balinor Series. But then I would have to paint him, and it will be rather difficult to figure out which color is closest.


On my Side, I need three paintbrushes. One pink one, two baby ones. To complete my Xweetok family.

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P.S. I'm addicted to that new Habitarium thing. Although, I have to admit I have no idea how to play it. The little Larnikin things are so cute! Although... I keep running out of food, Which is... Bad. And I don't have enough Resources to buy new Food. :O

Oh Noes!


I dont by food^^

You don't need to! Just build a few houses when you put the p3 in it and wait a while they wont be hungry/tired or hurt anymore^^


I'm saving up for a hissi morphingpoition but I bought the lab ray map a few weeks ago so I'm down to 500k ;_;"

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You have a lot of Goals, Kuroida! :O


What pets are you saving for? :3

Maybe it would be easier to adopt them.


halloween hissi, halloween uni, baby lupe, baby gelert, baby chomby, fairy pteri.


I don't really want to adopt because a) it's a pain and b ) I have the pet names I want matched with their respective colors :P

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Congrats on nearly having all your dream pets :D That's exciting!


I'm saving for a lot of things.


My goals at some point in the future include:


Royal PB, Desert PB, then Faerie PB for my Draik. (So she can have clothes for when she's painted Faerie.) This is my main goal right now.

Another Draik MP/Egg so when/if I get a FFQ, I can have it turned Chocolate.

Draik MP and Maraquan PB for one of my Kois.

Maractite PB for my Shoyru (When it's available for Shoyrus.)

Fire PB for a Jubjub on a side.

And some different petpet PBs.

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Congratulations on getting to your goal!


I've done several of my goals but I always have more and they always cost a lot!


I've painted my lupe royal, and my uni fire which were two of my big goals. But I still need to paint my kougra faerie.


But my other goals include winning the stamp trophy, the book trophy and getting more avatars than I currently have, along with my constant aim to improve and expand my gallery...which could take me alot of time and many many neopoints!. I also want to complete both neoquests on InSaNe which is just going to take a LOT of time!

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Congrats! :D


My current goals are:


1. Get the Sell! SELL! Avatar

2. Use the money I make to buy a royal paint brush so I can

a.) Get a Royal Boy Uni and

b. Get the Hidden Tower avatar



I'm at around 315k invested so far :) I had more but some of my stocks sky-rocketed and I had to sell them! :D

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i am nowhere near my pet goals. i have um 1? lol i actually have 2 completed but my main pet i want to turn into an island hissi sooo. but theyre listed on Jules1891's petpage :D i have 4 slots open for pets, well, 2 now (island hissi and baby kau are filling the other open 2 -i just havent changed her page yet)

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You guys have some rather Hard goals ahead of you, And I thought saving to Paint my Chia Baby would be hard. x3

Good luck all!


I'm wondering if I need some New goals, Now that I'm almost finished with the ones I set when I joined...


Maybe I could try and get some Trophies? :D

But... Do you know what ones are easiest to get?

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Maybe I could try and get some Trophies? :D

But... Do you know what ones are easiest to get?


Neoquest 1 and 2 take time but are doable.


Brunos breakaway and the Faerie Caves II: Fyora's Quest are fairly easy if you get a guide as if you get the max score you get the trophy...


There are others that people see as easy but I'm awful at games and so I don't really know!

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Congrats on almost having your dream team *shot for cheesy pun*


I am hopefully halfway to my goal of a Kacheek Transmogrification Potion, since I'm going to try and haggle on TP

Then I will somehow need to get the NP I need to get a Halloween Paint Brush for my Lupe and at the same time, I'm testing the glowing jelly theory on my Gelert. Would like to get him painted Magma though or even use on him the acara transmogrification potion on him when it soon becomes a bit easier to get.

Other goals I have are trying to completed the Collectible Card Deck, thats got to cost me >_> and have an epic gallery of petpets. Thinking of adding to it some seasonal plushies to give it some spice


On my side, I'm thinking of giving my gallery a Transformer theme for it, and since getting Robot Pets means I need labray, I need to save up for that.


Oh and 1 last goal for now: try to get the game avy for playing 250 games xD


Well, those are my goals for now, I bet you anything that they will stay unfinished by the time 2012 rolls around

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I just painted my Chia Baby! :D


So now, I actually do have my 'Dream Team' Now :O -Stolen Pun is Stolen-

-Cuddles Icacles-



Oh, and. What do Avatars on Neopets do, Anywayy? :O

I don't understand why people collect them.



I need new Goals now.

I didn't expect it to be so easy to reach the ones I had...

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I should make some more achievable goals too :P


Maybe I could try and get some Trophies?

But... Do you know what ones are easiest to get?


The trophies I got which were easy are:

  • Snow Wars
  • Pyramids
  • Sakhmet Solitaire
  • Go! Go! Go!
  • Cheat
  • Beating Punchbag Bob
  • Invasion of Meridell!!
  • Cellblock
  • Ugga Drop

And they all have guides on TDN :D

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My last dream pet is a Maraquan Usul. I've wanted one since the day they came out. I've applied for a few, but no luck yet.

My other main goal is to finish my snow gallery. I just have nine items left, but a bunch weren't on the Trading Post last I checked. I've submitted it for the gallery spotlight, but then I bought the two new snowballs. Should I submit it again? I'd -love- to win spotlight.

My longterm goal is to get the last three Snowy Vally Stamps. That'll take YEARS though.

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Hmm, pet wise, I'm pretty happy....I just need to get a Chomby, then paint her Halloween, then Darigan(I like both the colors a lot) and get the Lab scientist to change Selrine back into a girl.


I'm trying to get the lab ray for my second account from Keyquest and random events with two to go, will likely start zapping to get some of the minor colors I like on the less rare pets(Royal Peophin and the like is what I'm hoping to get, but I figure that I'll see what happens and what I like.).

Making a third account for mutant pets....I really like the Kau, Peophin and some of the other newer ones. Probably lovecraft themed.


I'm hoping to get to 280 avatars before next year, which should be reachable, especially since I just started applying to the lending pets and items, and I have enough neopoints to have collateral, though I need to kick into gear and buy ETS stuff. And kick some of those game avatars out, I'm eyeing Gads(945 highpoint) Dubloon Disaster (1755 high), and Carnival of Terror (714 high), plus Cellblock and Snow Wars.


I'm about halfway to the Book Awards (1248 books read, and I actually don't have that many expensive ones I need to buy, half the list is less then 50,000 neopoints). Though those last hundred are going to kick my butt.


Oh, and after I get the avatars, finish up my battledome training and set, but that's going to be slow, unless we get another plot with battles.

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