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You know, I did pretty much explain exactly the same thing she did regarding IE7 support on the day we made the news post. :eh:


It makes me wonder why they didn't specify that in their news post. It pretty much suggested to upgrade. Really glad she (and Theo) cleared it up :D



Because she works for another department. So she probably saw it in the news just like all of us XD.


Snarkie works on content, site events and game design.



Oh and as a side note for Theo, we did not do the project pitch to our teacher today! I wasted my whole morning on not coming up with any good idea for nothing -_-.




Well, at least you got a head start, right? :P


And yeah, it's generally a pretty odd move to actually block a browser from accessing your site. The most you can do sensibly is to ignore any issues that browser might have, and put up a giant glaring notice saying, 'YOU'RE USING AN OLD BROWSER. IT PROBABLY HAS SECURITY HOLES AND SMELLS OF FISH.'


xD xD


If we have the free time, that would make a totally awesome April Fools' prank. :P


Lol we could save it for next year.


"would you like to make tdn your defalt home page? would you like to install the new tdn tool bar, would you like to donate a kidney to tdn, have you ever considered warshipping tdn as your idol and all of its staff as nothing but awesome? if so CLICK YES NOW!"


[yes] [oh gods yes] [why havent i pressed yes yet?]


Sounds good, but... do we even have a use for random kidneys? :P


Okay, asking for kidneys is a bit much. Shouldn't we just ask for blood or something instead? That would be less invasive to obtain.


Blood. :evil:


But yes, one can always find a use for some random kidneys. I'm sure we have a list somewhere around here. *shuffles through papers* Favourite sock colours... dangers of pudding... world domin- oops, that was nothing! Heh. Um... how to keep Meepits from destroying everything you own... Meepit bite remedies... Tyop Tranlsatinos...


AH! Found it! 101 Ways to Use Kidneys. :)


Welcome to Fred, TDNF: The Land of the Literal. Enjoy your stay! :D


:laughingsmiley: Livvy, you're going to reveal things that shouldn't be revealed. Do I need to organize your paperwork again?


Anyone have a filing cabinet? Preferably with a key, PIN, palm scan, and retinal scan for access?


Why not just PGP-encrypt the critical stuff on her computer?


Oh, right, Windows doesn't have such tight PGP integration available. :P


Because... what if the computer crashes and then blows up? Hard copies are better for the important things.




NO! *cleans up blood* The Meepits go on a rampage when subject to 100 liters or more of human blood... oh wait... we should be fine then. TDN Staff, anything but Human :)


There goes our thread of conversation again. xD Let me just go and spin a new one...


I pick "pink and cute" as our next topic.


*pokes cute turtle plush toy on my desk*


That sounds adorable! :laughingsmiley:


Pink and cute... how about Livvy's usual cursor in Google Docs? :P


*squishes a meepit in a big hug*


*is squished in a- wait, never mind* :whistle:


I must say, there are some very cool new add-ons coming out specific to Firefox 4. The Mozilla Labs Prospector experiments are particularly awesome. :yes:


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