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Healing Springs


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Since the Healing Springs reopened, has anyone gotten anything besides potions and snowballs? That's all I've gotten. No hit points given out, no "your pet is completely healed", etc. Just potions.


Is it just me? Do I have bad timing? Or is it still only giving out potions and snowballs?

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I would love to get rid of my pets blurred vision but I am in the same boat, getting only potions. In the last chapter Fyora did say that she didn't have much power left so it's possible everyone is still getting up to strength and it will be a while before pets will get fully healed.

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In the last chapter Fyora did say that she didn't have much power left so it's possible everyone is still getting up to strength and it will be a while before pets will get fully healed.


oh, that makes sense. I'd completely forgotten about that.

Are any other areas of FL affected? Like has anybody who had an FFQ tried to use the Rainbow Fountain yet?

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Just a side note, The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity has enough power to do some healing because he removed my blurred vision today. So for those who are trying other sources until the faeries get their act together

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where is the plushie? Like I can access it from the link from the dailies page but on the map of fairyland where is it? o.0


He's in the grove of trees to the left of the Wheel of Excitement. You can see the tiny bit of blue.

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I would love to get rid of my pets blurred vision but I am in the same boat, getting only potions. In the last chapter Fyora did say that she didn't have much power left so it's possible everyone is still getting up to strength and it will be a while before pets will get fully healed.


Second. However there is strong reason to believe that everything in faerieland will return to normal after the conclusion of the plot. Then we will all be able to heal our pets.


Until then the The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity may heal your pets. He healed one of mine yesterday.

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I spun the Wheel of Excitement earlier and my active got a disease that was really expensive to cure, span the wheel again just now and managed to get all my pets fully healed. I don't know if they've maybe increased the tendency for healing from the wheel and the discarded plushie until the healing springs are fully operational again?

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I spun the Wheel of Excitement earlier and my active got a disease that was really expensive to cure, span the wheel again just now and managed to get all my pets fully healed. I don't know if they've maybe increased the tendency for healing from the wheel and the discarded plushie until the healing springs are fully operational again?


That's certainly possible and they may well do it if they saw lots of complaints on the neoboards. I know a few people have made complaints about the prices of certain cures going up dramatically since the healing springs stopped working.

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Are there any cure options other than healing springs, the wheel, and the plushie?


I have tried healing my pet for a week or so, fed him five poisonous lollypops with no effects, and all the dailies simply refuse to heal him. It's quite frustrating :(.

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