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Kass Basher Whacks


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I was playing Kass Basher earlier, and got to wondering what everyone's furthest whacks have been? For December mine's 945, but furthest of all time is 1158. I guess that's kind of average once you know the tricks. I wonder what the optimum timing for swinging the bat is? (other than when the wind's at 9!). So, yes, I thought it might be interesting to see everyone's distances :)

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wow...just wow. I had the exact same idea for a thread like this just a few minutes ago! XD


My best distance has been 1001 which is like nothing compared to the high score table but that's the best I can do it seems -_-


For me. Swinging the bat at wind speeds 9 or 8 have no difference. I can't remember what wind speed my highest score was though. Oh and I try to swing it at the earliest possible time to get a higher angle

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My best is 1100 something. I can get up to 5 bounces, never got 6 yet. But usually I'm too lazy to wait for the 9 wind speed so I just hit with anything over 6 so I can get the 800 for the 1000np. Oh and the key to getting the high score is using the tree as a bat which is random and I have yet to get.

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Oh I feel beyond useless. I've never got higher than about 350, I can't even unlock the bat >.<


I'm right there with you. My highest is 410, but I normally get a score of about 360. I'll have to see if I can get to 450 with the trick with the small hill. I would be really happy just being able to unlock the bat.

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My highest is 1162. As long as I get 3000nps from the game a day, I'm happy. I don't understand how people can score over 1800 though. it's insane o_O

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From the TDN guide:


Your bat becomes the tree which enables you to get the extra power needed for the 1800. So basically it's really just the same thing as getting like 1200 with the bat normally but you lucked out and got the tree. Apparently it's very rare.

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All Time: 1,052

December: 979


I don't even remember hitting my all time high score.. o_O it was probably super long ago

but I don't try to get high scores anymore, so I hit whenever the wind is 7+

just need to reach 800 for my 1000np :)

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Your High Scores

All Time: 1,172

December: 1,143


I got that tree thing .. twice .. first time i thought it was a glitch and restarted the game .. second time I got so excited that I missed the Kass puppet !!!! heheh

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My highest score is 862, but recently, I'm barely getting above 400. My bats got reset somehow, so I'm stuck using the stick, and no matter what, I haven't been able to unlock the bat.


My bats have been reset before, normally I think when I hadn't played the game in aaaages, but it's seems a bit stupid that they don't just stay unlocked once you've done it once.

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I just sort of hit space when the kass is hitting the ground, I'm not very good at it either though, I only ever get a few bounces. For a game that seems like it should be simple there are a lot of finickity bits

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Here are my best scores for Kass Basher:


All Time: 1,175

December: 1,164


Note that I had the chance to see the tree bat once... but I was so surprised that I didn't whack anything XD

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