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On December 20th - 21st. There will be a total lunar eclipse, because this is happening on the winter solstice (the shortest day), the last time it happened on this day was over 700 years ago :O


In case you didn't know, this is when the earth, moon and sun aligns, But rather than a normal eclipse where the moon would block out the sun. Earth blocks out the sun while all 3 are alligned.


So it should look like this (not the process will take a few hours)



That's pretty epic! Thank you Paul for posting :)


I checked the weather, and it's going to be mostly cloudy during the night, so chances are we won't see much from here.


I am also sadly stuck with cloudy weather tonight. :( I really wanted to view the eclipse, but it's starting at 2:41 am in my time zone, so I probably wouldn't be able to stay up for it anyway.


Ahh, I heard about that. Unfortunately, it's just plan cloudy here too. I doubt a lot of people who experience intense winter weather will be able to see it. I guess we will just all have to see it in the next 700 years! :P


It seems like it's going to be cloudy a lot of places. I'm going to see if I can't see it. I would LOVE to see something like that.


Thanks for posting this. :D


It's somewhat cloudy here, but odds are I'll be able to see it at some point. I completely forgot about this. Thanks for reminding me.


Now if only I can get my telescope to work.....


Quick note though, there is no normal eclipse. There is a lunar eclipse, and a solar eclipse.


I'm totally excited for this one, as it's on my birthday, which clearly means it is happening specifically for me.


Ahem. :rolleyes_anim:


I should be able to see it, as it doesn't look too cloudy outside. Good luck to everyone out there who's looking for it!


Ah, the budding young astronomer, her telescope, a sky full of clouds and the coldest porch in the land.

Who will reign victorious over the night?


I'm totally excited for this one, as it's on my birthday, which clearly means it is happening specifically for me.


It's also on my brother's birthday.


Ah, the budding young astronomer, her telescope, a sky full of clouds and the coldest porch in the land.

Who will reign victorious over the night?


I.............won't. I'll have to see it with the naked eye.


The other young astronomer, a partly cloudy sky, cold temperatures and wind chills, standing on the rooftop of an apartment in an urban city, with nothing but his glasses. I'm very handicapped in this. :P

Ah, the budding young astronomer, her telescope, a sky full of clouds and the coldest porch in the land.



The other young astronomer, a partly cloudy sky, cold temperatures and wind chills, standing on the rooftop of an apartment in an urban city, with nothing but his glasses. I'm very handicapped in this.

Are you guys actually going to be outside for this? Eep. I have both a porch and a roof, but I'm totally content with seeing the moon through my dad's office window if it means I get to stay inside. XP


Time to dig out my old telescope! I'm planning on photographing it every 10 minutes or so to make a collection of snapshots :). Now if I could only figure out what time it's supposed to start for my location... I'm terrible with time zones. I'm in Texas, I would really appreciate it someone can tell me what time I should start filming :)


I was able to see it perfectly last night. The sky was nice and clear, so it was perfect. Though we caught it, just as a sliver of white started showing. But we made it while it was nearly complete.


I stood up til 2:30 AM to see the eclipse (dispite my father's wishes). I couldn't see it through a window, so I had to go onto the roof, which was rather dangerous since you never know who could be up there. I caught it when just a trickle of white was beginning to appear. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay any longer, and I had to go downstairs. I took a picture with my phone, but it's crappy so forget about it.


I didn't get to see it when it was fully eclipsed and supposedly all red and glowy, because some clouds decided that would be a good time to throw a party, but I did get to see the earth's shadow moving across the moon both times (I too had to stay up till 2.30, but it was totally worth it). I'd throw on a coat, hat, mitts and boots and go out on the porch every half hour or so with a pair of binoculars to see its progress. Way cool. :)


it was raining like crazy last night so I didn't even bother :/

hope I can see the next one... whenever it is.. T-T


I fell asleep around 3-ish. Good thing I don't have class today. Reading and watching the moon at night in the freezing cold with all the blankets in the world is actually pretty fun.

There's a really excellent video of it from Florida here:


This was the first time since the 1600s that a total lunar eclipse has happened during the Winter Solstice. :) Very special indeed. I thank the Goddess I was able to see it.


Eh, it's just any old lunar eclipse.


I would've gotten up for a meteor shower (I missed the last one. Dang clouds.), but the lunar eclipse is just a lunar eclipse (they really do happen quite frequently), and the fact that it's on the winter solstice doesn't change a thing.


Of course, that's just me being a fun killer :P Guess who didn't wake up xD


I feel as though it was special. And I feel the need to see every eclispe.


it was raining like crazy last night so I didn't even bother :/

hope I can see the next one... whenever it is.. T-T


The next lunar eclispe on the winter solstice isn't until 2094. :(

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