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Eliv Thade Apple Bobbing Quest Solution

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Many users who have been Bobbing for Apples every day have recieved a brand new quest this morning! Here is the solution!



Wait! You're not done!


Head to Brightvale Fruits and Molten Morsels. After getting the two items, head to the Cooking Pot and mix them in, and return to Eliv Thade to get your fourth and final wearable, finally completing the quest!


Check out TDN's Apple Bobbing guide for current quest guides!


Sweet! So many wearables! My Meerca is wearing them all right now if anyone wants a peek, although he does look kind odd with all them on at once.


Yay yay yay for all the free wearables!!! I was surprised that the plushie and the anagram solver were wearable.


i can do everything up to the cooking pot, but then im stuck because all the fairies are frozen. am i just stuck here until they're unfrozen?


While I was at culinary concoctions to mix the items for some reason I got a blue trick or treat bag. Did that happen to anyone else?


That's one of the locations for the Trick-or-Treat bags, so anyone that didn't get one last year, got one there this year. I got one too. Just go back again to continue the quest.

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