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For the Six Up, Six Down achievment do I have to defeat one of each in order?


Just wondering as I messed up and fought two of one of the enemies so think I have to start again...


From what I've read, I understand it as you have to fight one of each going in order starting from either end of the list. I'm not really sure if its okay to fight multiple of the same ones or not but if you want to be sure, I suppose you could start over. Though side note, as someone mentioned earlier, you can loose and its still okay to keep trying, it doesn't count against you. Also in case anyone was wondering, this doesn't all have to be done in the same tier. I started last night on the last tier and finished today on a different tier.


Fighting two does, unfortunately, mean you have to start over. :( It's a very frustrating achievement.


Thanks, more than a little bit of a doh!!!!!


I did read TDN's thing but I wasn't sure if I could get away with fighting the same enemy twice...


As far as I am aware, you cannot. Perhaps the TDN guide ought to specify that a little more.


I'm pretty sure you can't fight the same enemy twice, as is implied by the achievement's name. :yes: I can't really be sure though.


I dont think anyones tested it, but i THINK someone got messed out of the achievement by accidently doing the same enemy twice. i cant be sure though sense i cant link to that exact post.


If anyone can establish this one way or the other, we can update our coverage to state it explicitly. :yes:


If anyone can establish this one way or the other, we can update our coverage to state it explicitly. :yes:


I was indirectly hinting at it, but anyone with more information and can run the test we would appreciate it to settle the question in its entirety.


From what I've read in the neopets forums (not these forums) it sounds like you don't get the 6up 6down unless you win/draw with exactly one in the right order. Losses don't mess anything up, but you can't have multiple wins/draws on the same spectre and you can't go to punchbag bob in between to get health. There are lots of people who have gotten frustrated at themselves for messing it up and having to start over.


From what I've read in the neopets forums (not these forums) it sounds like you don't get the 6up 6down unless you win/draw with exactly one in the right order. Losses don't mess anything up, but you can't have multiple wins/draws on the same spectre and you can't go to punchbag bob in between to get health. There are lots of people who have gotten frustrated at themselves for messing it up and having to start over.


I agree with that statement. I think it should be updated to state this new information.


i think i can sum this up fairly easily.




You must win/draw them in order from first to last, or last to first, you cannot do these things. Fight the same enemy twice, or fight punchbag bob in between.


I'm pretty sure I fought punching bag bob in between and still got the achievement. Maybe it was glitched when I did it?


I am not going to argue with you, but there's a lot of people who said that fighting punchbag bob forced them to have to start over. XD So you might of had a lucky glitch in your favor. Yay for random events!


I just got the achievement even though I was fighting inflatable balthazar in between battles to heal. Maybe it works with him but not with punchbag bob?


(to fight him i used http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/battledome-javascript-codes/)


One problem inflatable Balthazar isn't actually fight-able right now.

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