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*rages* The internet won't let me heal Lili. I click to use the healing potion and it goes to a blank screen. It does that for all objects. I can't heal her, so I can't fight. *angry words*


We're in the same boat, Livvy. Item use is just plain broken right now. :(

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Items should be fixed now, I filled a bug report on them and someone got on it right quick.


Also, hi! I decided to stop lurking and actually register an account here.


I'm a little disappointed I never really thought to do much training (up until the first battledome part of the plot anyway), I'd really have liked to be able to even come close to capping some of the stronger enemies. As it is I'm sort of lucky I have two pets with decent HP and strength, I could at least get all three achievements without much trouble.


Items should be fixed now, I filled a bug report on them and someone got on it right quick.


Also, hi! I decided to stop lurking and actually register an account here.


I'm a little disappointed I never really thought to do much training (up until the first battledome part of the plot anyway), I'd really have liked to be able to even come close to capping some of the stronger enemies. As it is I'm sort of lucky I have two pets with decent HP and strength, I could at least get all three achievements without much trouble.


Welcome and you dont seem to be the first lurker to join our ranks during this war. XD


Items should be fixed now, I filled a bug report on them and someone got on it right quick.


Also, hi! I decided to stop lurking and actually register an account here.


I'm a little disappointed I never really thought to do much training (up until the first battledome part of the plot anyway), I'd really have liked to be able to even come close to capping some of the stronger enemies. As it is I'm sort of lucky I have two pets with decent HP and strength, I could at least get all three achievements without much trouble.

hahaha same as me. i didnt really train before the war, all i had was like a golden compass and two bone sceptres and a scarab ring and a unstable slime with 21 hp in the battledome. now, i really see how battledoming is important.


So glad it's working again, though I seem to have hit a rough patch with the Destroyers. I'm still training Lili, so hopefully her strength will be up sufficiently before these guys leave. For now though, I'll just wait for the next opponents and hope I can fare better.


I have no chance of getting anywhere close to these achievements I'm not a battler and my highest neopet has 24 hp i'm training her but i doubt i'll be any closer to beating the Conqueror anytime soon let alone the zealot I'm really annoyed that once again they made it so you have to be an advanced player to get the high scores


I've been training as much as I can (and as often as I remember) since this started, and I depleted everything I had saved up in my bank account to stock up on Codestones and to buy a few decent weapons since my pets are all too high a level for the Krawk Island training school and needed weapons.


I *was* hoping to save up to get a Draik but I think I'm gonna have to put that off for a while longer now until I get my pets trained up a little more, in case there's ever another plot involving battledome opponents.


Okay, so I've beaten the first four for the 6/6 achievement. I know I can kill a fury, but I'm not so sure about the zealot. I have 31hp, a 1x defence boost, a 1.5x strength boost, and burrow. If I use a blaster and sticky snowballs, about how many turns would it take to kill it? The conquerer brought me down to 2hp after the first turn even with burrow, so I'm wondering if any of you zealot battlers have some advice. thanks!


Edit: I was actually able to do a fair amount of damage, but he keeps healing! grr...


8 away from capping Destroyers, scraping draws about half the time.


Come on, Lili! You can make it!


I've got all the achievements and capped minions and destroyers!

(Yes, draws count as kills since I got the 40 cap for Destroyers with 35 wins and 5 draws)

34/50 Brutes

7/30 Conquerors

16/50 Furies

1/20 Zealots


Not bad for a level 42 pet with 9-iconers as her best weapons!


Ive managed to kill this many of each


71/50 Minions

21/40 Destroyers

11/50 Brutes

5/30 Conquerors

15/50 Furies

3/20 Zealots


I went to a lot of work to pull this off. I hope to do better later today.


My stats so far:


Shadow Spectre Minion

(13104 left in Neopia) 8 +51 51 51 0 0 3938


Shadow Spectre Destroyer

(6644 left in Neopia) 50 +13 32 13 11 8 1042


Shadow Spectre Brute

(None left in Neopia) 25 +21 21 21 0 0 1382


Shadow Spectre Conqueror

(None left in Neopia) 75 +4 6 4 0 2 465


Shadow Spectre Fury

(None left in Neopia) 40 +7 8 7 0 1 644


Shadow Spectre Zealot

(None left in Neopia) 100 +1 1 1 0 0 140


I could probably knock out one or two more of the zealots if I tried, and probably a handful or so more of the furies and brutes, the Conquerors have me beat though, as do the Destroyers. The minions I could easily knock out more of, but I'm keeping them low for healing and for tier qualifications.


A respectable record to have. I am killing more shadows to speed things up as best I can. I just got my weapons and healer I lent out back. So I am getting back into the fray.


Also if your desperate, eat something kill punchbag bob.


Woah lol




You poke Shadow Spectre Brute with your Pike Pike!!!OUCH!!



You shoot an arrow from the Bow of the Hegelob at Shadow Spectre Brute! WHOOSH!!




You attack Shadow Spectre Brute like berserk!





Shadow Spectre Brute fiercely attacks you!



^ you might be asking "wait what?" along the lines of what weapons did it use? the odd thing is o.o it didnt!


Yep, fortunately those spectres can be a little dumb at times. :yes: I guess that gives us weaker battlers a chance to scrape in a few more kills here and there. xD


Yep, fortunately those spectres can be a little dumb at times. :yes: I guess that gives us weaker battlers a chance to scrape in a few more kills here and there. xD


aye i just thought it was so weird it was worth mentioning.


xD This is pretty hilarious: my entire battle set is on loan, with the exception of my Leaf Shield and Downsize. But I still managed to qualify for the most recent tier by having Stalker take down a Brute with shielding and Grarrl Swing alone.


Heh, oddly enough, over on another forum I commented that I wouldn't mind seeing a weapon as a tier prize.


Mind you, I've got weapons with more icons than thst already equipped to my pets, though that still isn't too bad.


Is this sea scroll a good weapon? Against these guys i mean. Im not good at battledome


My current:


Minions 58-W O-L 0-T (capped)

Destroyers 14-W 39-L 27-T (capped)

Brutes 28-W 0-L 0-T

Conquerors 3-W 2-L 1-T

Furys 12-W 0-L 0-T

Zealots 0-W 3-L 1-T


With this many to cap, I DO hope this one goes through the weekend. Give me a chance to continuously up my stats, instead of only 3 a day




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