CAV of Gang Green Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 Vantas, did you know that there's going to be a crossover game with Professor Layton and Pheonix Wright? Quote
Luciana Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 Yep! I saw the trailer for it the other day. I heard that Capcom isn't too sure if they're going to release it outside of Japan, though. Phoenix Wright didn't sell well here. (But Professor Layton did, so I don't see the problem!?) I will seriously flip out if they do not make this game available for us. Quote
Rae Posted November 8, 2010 Posted November 8, 2010 I haven't played a video game for a while now that I think about it LOL. My dad came to visit and all gaming activities kind of stopped. The last one was Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii though I believe. That or Just Dance 2 for Wii. The last board game I played was Pictureaka though!! WOO!! Quote
elvenstrawberry Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 World of Warcraft. Between that, neopets, and school, it's amazing that I find time to sleep. :rolleyes_anim: Before that it was Mass Effect (the first one). I'm trying to finish it so that I can borrow 2 from a friend. It's GREAT, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a really good entertaining game to play. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted November 11, 2010 Posted November 11, 2010 Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters (Gamecube): 7.5/10 Godzilla is infamous for having bad games. They all fall into the bottom of the barrel, never to get a second chance with the standard gamer. But there might be a silver lining in this pile of garbage that is Godzilla games, and that is Destroy All Monsters. This is a classic beat em up fighter but with classic monsters from the Godzilla franchise. With such characters like Godzilla, Destroyah, King Gidorah, Gigan, and more, each have their own set of moves, and abilities. While you are fighting in cities, power ups also appear, from health boosts, to the devestating RAGE, which works kind of like the Final Smash from Smash Bros Brawl. Controls can seem a little stiff when controlling giant monsters, and they can also get klunky. Sound effects are on the lopside, and graphics are sub-par compared to games today. But it is still a pretty good take on the standard fighting games. If you're a die-hard Godzilla fan, pick up this game. If you like fighting games, give it a rent. But if you don't like either, it might be best to avoid. Quote
Tyler. Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 eh, I don't feel like writing a long review but the last game I played was Call of Duty: Black Ops it was good, but the weakest CoD imo Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 I disagree. I played the Black Ops multiplayer, and I say it's much better than the MW2 multiplayer. The weakest CoD was World At War. Quote
Unstream Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 I heard that the Black Ops multiplayer is definitely a lot better than MW2. I'm getting the game this Tuesday :yes: The last game I played recently was Age of Mythology. It's a great real-time strategy, and in my opinion beats all of the Age of Empires games. If you haven't tried it yet, I'd highly recommend it. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 It is. Trust me. I'm going to wait until Christmas to get it, when my uncle can get me the prestige edition. Quote
hrtbrk Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Okay so we got Donkey Kong Country Returns the day it was released - I do not remember they game being so difficult LOL Maybe I'm just old. This game is awesome and really goes back to the DK roots. The only complaints I have is the controls, but you can adjust them accordingly and that I miss not being able to play as Diddy Kong (unless you wish to play 2 player). Can't wait for the sequel, however long of a wait that will be. I hope they include Dixie and all the others! ETA: Spyro is one of my favorite games of all time! Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted November 29, 2010 Author Posted November 29, 2010 I also heard CoD was pretty rubbish, haven't played it myself, but my mate told me the single campaign was crap. Well so I don't waste my more posts, I will review 2 games (OMG DOUBLE REVIEW) First game is Star wars: Force Unleashed 2 I rented this game out on Wednesday, thinking it will last me a week, got through it in 4 hours o_O I was quite disappointed because I am a pretty big star wars fan, and I loved the first one. 4 levels and 2 bosses. Although the graphics was good, gameplay had evolved with 2 lightsables, the story just lacked it. They are releasing new levels with DLC, but I think most people would have preferred them being included into the game story etc. Final verdict: 6/10 Now for the Best Game of the post, my second favourite game series ever (first being Final Fantasy) Assassin Creed: brotherhood With the third game in the series, this game is getting better and better (the first was crap I know). This game could be made from combining 2 other games Assassin creed 2 + Batman AA = THIS. The story followed on exactly from the last game in the series, combat has evolved more etc. Though 2 things stood this out from the others, Execution kills (When you silently execute someone, you can combo this and kill more with a single hit) and Assassins. recruiting and training assassins could be the best part of this game, training your assassin with tasks/ sending them round Europe on missions to level them up or helping you in field. Plus with this game taking place in Rome, you can see all the sites (one of my fav would be the Colosseum which is fun to climb) Final Verdict: 9/10 Quote
Tyler. Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 I disagree. I played the Black Ops multiplayer, and I say it's much better than the MW2 multiplayer. The weakest CoD was World At War. The multiplayer is far superior, but everything about it I didn't find as good Okay so we got Donkey Kong Country Returns the day it was released - I do not remember they game being so difficult LOL Maybe I'm just old. This game is awesome and really goes back to the DK roots. The only complaints I have is the controls, but you can adjust them accordingly and that I miss not being able to play as Diddy Kong (unless you wish to play 2 player). Can't wait for the sequel, however long of a wait that will be. I hope they include Dixie and all the others! ETA: Spyro is one of my favorite games of all time! I'll be getting DKCR along with the New Golden Sun Wednesday :D Quote
antiaircraft Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 I don't think this really qualifies as a review - more as a video of me playing with some really bad commentary - but I guess I might as well post it. xD Quote
Tyler. Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 lol, I stalk that channel so I saw that xD Quote
:)Doc Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 The last game I played was a PC game (I'm assuming that's okay for here.) Plants vs Zombies I love that game! :D The last game I played was Sims 2. I've got a family with 3 kids (would've been 5, but the twin boys got taken away by social workers) This is my original family, and I just started to play with them again :D I give it like a 9/10 just cause there are some things I haven't figured out yet... :P Quote
Koskamp Posted November 30, 2010 Posted November 30, 2010 My last played game was. Hm. Neopets :whistle: Yesterday I played Garfields Nightmare on the DS :woot: That's so funny! The last game I played was Sims 2. I've got a family with 3 kids (would've been 5, but the twin boys got taken away by social workers) This is my original family, and I just started to play with them again Haha, that reminds me on my first time I made a family. I had two cats and they were taken away. I cried and played not for 4 months :P After that I start over and I enjoyed it :D Quote
jesse_rocket Posted November 30, 2010 Posted November 30, 2010 Last game I played was Fable 3. My husband played it through first, and he was all saintly-good, because he's such a boyscout, so I decided to play as Evil as I could be. It was most upsetting, goes rather against my nature, I don't like people running away from me and screaming. Mostly, anyway. But the game itself was pretty nice. The HD graphics were lovely, made Fable 2 look like a sludgy mess. A lot of people have complained that the storyline was too short, but that's really only the case if you rush through the main storyline and don't stop to take in all the sidequests. I completed all the sidequests and the game kept me very occupied for over a week, although admittedly some of that was grinding so I could upgrade my skills. The lack of a proper menu system was by turns liberating and jarring, there were a many occasions where it seemed you had to go through many more steps to change something than you would have with a menu, but on the other hand, The Sanctuary was graphically a nice area, and Lionhead studios were never very good at menus anyway, so it kind of evened out in the end there. The controls were very simple, which for me, as a casual gamer, was great, I was able to kick some butt quite convincingly. In its own right, it's a really good, very fun game. Taken in direct comparison with Fable 2 though, not so much, especially in light of how grossly oversimplified it is. For instance, your alignment is now quite in black and white, you're either good, or bad. No purity/corruption stat in Fable 3. And communicating with villagers is terrible, you have to real choice over your actions there. You can do a Good Thing or a Bad Thing. And then you can do the next Good/Bad thing. You can't, for instance, choose to Dance repeatedly, and entertain a whole group of people. As such, where in Fable 2, villagers could find you (say) Evil but Funny, or Good but Scary, now it's down to either loving or hating you. Which is really lame. And you can only carry one foodstuff at a time. You could carry a ton of celery to stay nice and thin, but if you find a pie in a drawer, that is now all you have to eat. But the real annoyance that I found with Fable 3 was the way that DLC was handled. For example, with Fable 2, there were two major DLC packages, and they were full of lots of fun things to do, and new items and clothing, and ooh, lovely. Fable 3 DLC is done a piece at a time. You can buy a single new outfit, or a pack of clothing dyes, and recently, a new area. The new area features ONE single new quest. A very straightforward one. You can also unlock a couple of new weapons with it. But that's terrible! That should have just been included in the game, and technically, it was, since the "DLC" was just an unlock. This, I found insulting. Furthermore, because of the lack of menu systems and such, DLC isn't shared between accounts on the same XBox. I found this out when I bought a dye pack on my account, and my husband couldn't use it on his. This too, was really lame. So, to summarize - on it's own, Fable 3 is a fun, engaging game. If you're looking for a direct improvement on Fable 2, keep looking. And if you're sharing a console with someone else who wants to play, make sure you both have a whole lot of MSP. Quote
Tyler. Posted December 1, 2010 Posted December 1, 2010 I still prefer the original Fable, but I played Fable 3 at my friend's house and really enjoyed it Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 My husband played it through first, and he was all saintly-good, because he's such a boyscout, so I decided to play as Evil as I could be. It was most upsetting, goes rather against my nature, I don't like people running away from me and screaming. Mostly, anyway. I like being evil as well. Ah, the fun of turning safety mode off..... I got it a week ago and I'm currently playing my way through as the king. So I feel as though it's a good enough time to share my review. Fable 3 is a rather large world where you can interact with people, and this is a rather fun thing to do. Doesn't matter if you are dancing, farting, or sharing and evil laugh with the person, you will love their expressions and watch as they grow to love or fear you. Eventually you can also marry a person, and start a family. And to get a certain achievement, you have to kill your wife/husband 7 times, meaning that you have to get married to 7 people throughout the game. Combat is enjoyable, but can get repetitive and boring. You can fight with your sword/hammer, use a pistol/rifle, or use magic. It's incredible to weave together 2 different kinds of magic to create interesting effects, my favorite combination so far being Vortex and Shock. But it's easy to just spam with magic, thus making the game boring, and repetitive. Which is why it's best to switch between the 3. But even still after a while you will get bored as the combat becomes more repetitive, and you face the same enemies over and over again. You can also turn off safety mode, and you can hit and kill civilians. This will cost you, as the guards will force you to either pay a fine or do community service. Or you can resist arrest and try to escape. In the event that you can't escape, I suggest community service, which ranges between Lute playing, pie making, or blacksmith, which can also be used as normal jobs to get gold. All have the same mechanics, and therefore there is no difference between any of them. It gets very boring very fast, so imagine when you have a big debt. The Hero can be customized to your liking, from clothing to tattoos. And every action has a consequence, and choices can radically change the game, making every playthrough different than the last. This is further proven in your choices as a King/Queen. I cannot say more in fear of spoilers. Noticed something? Yes, this is nearly the exact same description as Fable 2. Those whom have played Fable 2 will suffer from extreme deja vu when they pick up Fable 3, as the game doesn't make any extremely noticable changes. In the end, if you own Fable 2 or you didn't like it, it might be best that you ignore this game. But if you haven't played Fable 2, or any Fable games (like me), then give this game a try. Fable 3 gets an 8/10. Quote
normal guy Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 this is the hardest game i ever played try it This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Stephé). Topics merged Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted December 11, 2010 Author Posted December 11, 2010 Today bought back many memories, way back in 2002 was a legendary game such as Golden Sun, then in 2003 was its sequel. After this game, everyone wanted more, yet the team concentrated on other games. Today saw in town, there was a NEW Golden sun, will post a review in a few days. Quote
jubinator Posted December 11, 2010 Posted December 11, 2010 The last game I played was a PC game (I'm assuming that's okay for here.) Plants vs Zombies It's definitely more cutesy (which is why I enjoy it.) but the idea behind it is really fun. You have to defend your house from the zombies by placing plants on your lawn (roof and backyard as well). The trick is there's different kinds of zombies like football players that have helmets which means they can take more damage before going down. (And they can eat more of your plants if you don't get them down quickly enough.) Or there's zombies with ladders, that dig underground, that are on pogo sticks, and there's different plants that work on them. Like a Magnet plant, takes anything metal, so it disarms the zombies with buckets or helmets on their heads or that have screen doors for shields. It's really cute and actually can get really complicated. I was actually going to say this too. Have you tried making your own zombie avatar? They actually show up when you're playing in any mode (you can be all like: "yeah, I designed that zombie, jealous?"). I got hooked on this game when I was at an ultimate frisbee tournament about a month ago, and this girl on my team took out her laptop and started playing. We also played Catch Phrase, which is an awesome game too. Quote
Tyler. Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 I got Sin and Punishment: Star Successor in July but never played it o_O well I just played and beat it and here is my review The sequel to the never released outside of Japan except on virtual console N64 shooter is a lot like the first. The very simple game play remains the same. Shoot the crap out of around 100 enemies, fight a boss, repeat basically. Seems so simple it would suck right? Wrong. This is a very good game I recommend to everyone who likes some fast paced shooting. The story is boring and the voice acting is horrible, but if that's not what you're looking for, you'll enjoy this. Most of the numerous bosses aren't terribly challenging, and pretty much all the enemies die in 2 or 3 hits, but this game is hard. Even on easy mode, it it's extremely difficult. If you're looking for things to shoot and a challenge, this game is a recommendation. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Do you know what pisses me off? People complain on how Xbox has no exclusives other than Halo and Fable, while PS3 has a whole bunch of exclusives. Meanwhile people forget about the Wii since they have even more than the PS3. But that's besides the point. Xbox has more than just Halo and Fable. They also have Gears of War and Left 4 Dead. They also had Gran Theft Auto: Episodes of Liberty City, but it's been taken now that the PS3 has it. People still say PS3 is better due to more exclusives. Well, it is starting to look like PS3 is taking all of the exclusives away from the Xbox. I knew it was happening, but I tried to forget about it. Then I wake up to see this: And here I am pulling my hair out because the people that gloat about PS3 exclusives are getting Xbox exclusives to boot with it. As if Uncharted isn't freakin enough... Quote
Tyler. Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 I still prefer the PS3 exclusives and the post above me made me, a PS3 owner and a Mass Effect fan, happy Quote
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