Awesome_Paul Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 We have a Last movie watched yet nothing for games. Please don't try and spam and think "I write a review for all my games on different posts" This is not for Neopets games etc. My last game played (well playing at the moment) is Medal of Honor (Xbox360) This is quite a good game, starting to prefer it to the COD games, mainly due to its realistic gameplay. The campaign is set in Afghanistan in 2002. Due to no xbox live, I can't comment on the multi-player but the campaign is pretty well made. I rate is a 7.8/10. Im hopng to complete this by friday (when I have to return it, should easily do it, I have completed past games in a week time, my next reviews will be for The force unleashed 2 and fable 3) Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 I was REALLY thinking of doing this. But I never had the time to do so. Super Mario Galaxy 2 1940731059/10 Simply amazing. At first glance it just seems as though Nintendo just did the same exact thing, but with different levels. This is absolutely false. They kept what worked, tweaked what didn't, and added so much more on top of all that. Yoshi makes a much bigger impact here than in New Super Mario Bros Wii. You have to use him every other level, and even when you don't, you'll do so because it's just plain fun to use the little guy. People always claimed on how the Wii sucks, and that the only compitition in gaming is the 360 and PS3. This is a lie, and the Wii has permenantly marked itself as the best console of this generation, because they now have the answer to a question that has been wondered since the beginning of gaming: What is the best game of all time? Super Mario Galaxy 2 is that game. I'll review Madden 11 next. Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted October 17, 2010 Author Posted October 17, 2010 I do agree Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a pretty cool game, not my fav games, but did enjoy it when rented. Though the wii being the best console in this generation may be over the top. With the PS3 (and I think Xbox) are both moving onto the motion sensor controllers, and from what I've read they have evolved from the wii and their controllers will be more accurate. I think is the Wii wishes to stay in the competition, they will need to add something brand otherwise by February they will lose their sales. Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Actually, I heard about the Kinect and Playstation Move. Many critics (if not all) agree that Kinect BARELY works, and that Playstation Move constantly has problems, and the bulb at the tip is very fragile. Everyone says that the Wii is still the king of motion control. So both Sony and Microsoft failed to evolve the Wii's motion controls. I don't know if they are out in UK yet, but they are both out here in the US, so the critics' reviews here are vaild. Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted October 17, 2010 Author Posted October 17, 2010 But to be fair, every system has bugs to begin with. (not in the UK atm, due out in November ish) But I think once the bugs are worked out, (give it till August next year at the latest) they should be top notch and be major competition. At that point the only thing the wii will have that no-one else has is Mario/Zelda/Pokemon as their main market. Personally I think Wii should evolve their gaming etc, make things more realistic rather than just relying on its motion sensor. But for now lets agree to disagree :P Quote
Luciana Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 What do you mean by realistic, Paul? Last game I played was The Sims 2. I have an obsession with downloading custom content and making Sims. All the time. I'm downloading something right now.(Someone help me) Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Agree to disagree is perfect. By the time Sony and Microsoft evolve, Nintendo will have done so as well. Motion control IS the gaming market's attempt at realism. But you also have to think about the handheld market. The DS, PSP, and the iPhone/iTouch. I don't know why people consider that a handheld gaming system.... But with the 3DS coming (November for Japan, Spring for US, not sure about Europe), it shows that Nintendo has been paying attention to the handheld market, in an attempt to prove better than the iPhone/iTouch, even though Nintendo did that a long time ago. Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted October 17, 2010 Author Posted October 17, 2010 What do you mean by realistic, Paul? Probably used the wrong word, but they would bound to get more sales if they increased their graphics, they wouldn't be able to raise is to the others level due to its hardware size, but If tehy gave a more range of games for the wii, people may be more tempted to buy it. Its too much family and not anything else, while sony and microsoft has all different types of games. Anyway sorta getting off topic here :whistle: Quote
-Ryan Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Madden NFL 10 Me and a friend are playing the "Road to the Superbowl" part as the Cardinals. :D Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Probably used the wrong word, but they would bound to get more sales if they increased their graphics, they wouldn't be able to raise is to the others level due to its hardware size, but If tehy gave a more range of games for the wii, people may be more tempted to buy it. Its too much family and not anything else, while sony and microsoft has all different types of games. Anyway sorta getting off topic here :whistle: Well, the topic is about games. So it's not really off topic. Actually, when you look at the Wii, most shooters and such suck. Just like how on the PS3 and 360 the family games suck (with the exception of Little Big Planet). So both systems have their strengths and weaknesses. Madden NFL 10 Me and a friend are playing the "Road to the Superbowl" part as the Cardinals. :D In Madden 11, I made my own team, and I'm currently playing Franchise Mode. LET'S GO PYTHONS! Quote
-Ryan Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 You can do that? I gotta get that game. GO SQUIRRELS! Wait, do you pick players from all the NFL teams or something or create players? Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 You can do that? I gotta get that game. GO SQUIRRELS! Wait, do you pick players from all the NFL teams or something or create players? Yes you can do that. You create the logo, the colors, the stadium, the uniform. EVERYTHING. Then you can enter them into franchise mode, but you have to delete a current team (I deleted the Pittsburg Steelers to get in). You can draft players. I drafted many good players. And the Create a Player option is still there. You can create a full team from scratch, but that takes up more time than needed. I made my own QB though. His name is.......oh wait. His name is my actual name....never mind! Quote
-Ryan Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Woo! Steelers suck! :D That sounds awesome, i'm definatley gonna have to get that game. They have it for the Wii right? Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 17, 2010 Posted October 17, 2010 Woo! Steelers suck! :D That sounds awesome, i'm definatley gonna have to get that game. They have it for the Wii right? They do. The New York Pythons (my team) is so much better. Yes it's for Wii. Wait. I don't know if create a team feature is available for the Wii. Many game companies have the bad habbit of stripping the Wii version of other features. Smackdown vs Raw, Madden and NHL are only a FEW of the people that do this. I have Madden 11 for the 360. What's on the 360 and PS3 may not be on the Wii. I have an account at Yahoo Answers, so I'll ask them. Quote
Unstream Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 I'm looking forward to the Fable III review. I've heard a lot of mixed comments about it, so it'll be interesting to hear what you have to say :yes: And regarding the whole console debate earlier, it's really about preference in gaming. Personally, I like the Xbox 360 simply because it offers all the games that I want to play and I definitely prefer playing with a controller over a motion-sensing device, but the Wii and PS3 definitely offer their own perks (namely Super Smash Bros for the Wii and free "Live" for the PS3). So I'm going to write a review about what sold me to the Xbox: the Halo series. More specifically, Halo: Reach. I'm actually surprised nobody wrote a review on it yet because apparently there was a lot of hype about it. That and apparently there were more people on multiplayer Live than any other game in Xbox history. So this Halo: Reach is really different from all the other Halos in terms of storyline. If you're expecting the usual lone wolf/amazing stunts/lucky victories that were prevalent in Halos 1-3, then you'll definitely be surprised with the storyline. In it, you'll play as the sixth member of Noble Team - a team of Spartan warriors stationed on the planet of Reach. Basically, the Covenant find Reach, and you try to defend it. The storyline is actually has quite a few gaps; between levels there may be a month or so in time (I'm guessing, because the situation changes so dramatically). It's different from the other Halos though because when you play as Master Chief, things usually start to look up, whereas in Reach, events only progress from bad to worse. This newest Halo also has quite a few new features in multiplayer as well. Now instead of equipment, you have armor abilities, which are multiple-use, but have to recharge. Among those include Sprint, Jetpack, Active Camo, Drop Shield, Armor Lock, and Evade. Usually you'll be able to choose which one you want to use, and depending on how good you are with them they can really give you an upper hand. Armor abilities really add a new depth to the game, because now everybody isn't the same, and you can't just run up to someone, shooting an Assault Rifle, and beat them down anymore. They really give an opportunity to mix things up quite a bit, and it does take a little bit to learn how to use the effectively and how to effectively counter them. Another notable change would be the weapons. The crowd favorite gun, the Battle Rifle, has been replaced with the DMR, which is like the Battle Rifle, but with less ammo in the mag and only single fire. Personally, I don't like it because it makes it harder to get a headshot, and at times it can seem really finicky because the accuracy is based on your fire rate. The faster you shoot, the more likely you'll miss, which is a problem if you're having a "headshot battle". Also the Shotgun has been powered down quite a bit. The range isn't nearly as far as it used to be, and its advantage over the Energy Sword is almost nonexistent. Before, if the person with the Shotgun was good enough, he could beat anybody with an Energy Sword. Now, the person with the shotgun hardly ever wins, and it usually relies on the person with the Energy Sword messing up. The Beam Rifle has also been replaced by Focus Rifle, which fires a constant beam instead of an actual sniper shot. It's good because it kills relatively quickly, but still pales in comparison to the Sniper Rifle. The last thing I want to talk about is the Forge mode. It's really a lot better than what it used to be, and really lends itself to one's creativity. Most notably, it has a new map called Forge World, which is a gigantic map that's completely empty made for one to create whatever they want to. And I'm not overexaggerating when I say it's huge. It makes Blood Gulch look small. And there's a new option to set an object to "phased", where it'll be unaffected by anything else on the map. So you could have a half a wall coming out of rock or a ramp randomly placed 30 ft in the air if you wanted to. The only thing is that you can't create objective games on Forge World, which was actually a major disappointment for me. All-in-all, I think Halo: Reach is a great game. Graphics haven't changed too much, but you also have to take in account that there's Theater mode, which means the game has to be rendering everything on the map all the time, which isn't the case for most other games. It really has an edge over games like COD because of its variability in terms of game types and maps. And there are other things like the Arena, Challenges, Commendations, and the Armory, but I don't want this review to be too long. I'll rate it a 9/10. Quote
Tyler. Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 the last game I played was Metroid: Other M: 8.5/10 Team Ninja and Nintendo is a very odd pairing, we have a company that is known for cartoony games, and a company known for Ninja Gaiden. I would like to see this pairing again, this game was amazing. I was a little bit worried that a story-driven Metroid would be no good, but it was amazing. A sideways controller? really? sidescrolling? Well, I am SO happy about sidescrolling, I loved the Prime trilogy but the first few games were incredible. Don't think this is like the first few games, it is completely different, it has a super fast pace, and some pretty epic action. I'd like to see more games like this. there are a few control issues, and it isn't that long, but it is a great game. currently playing Dead Rising 2 on PS3 Quote
Seliphra Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Cranium WOW. Am I the only one who plays board games nowadays? Quote
Spritzie Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 The last game I played was a PC game (I'm assuming that's okay for here.) Plants vs Zombies It's definitely more cutesy (which is why I enjoy it.) but the idea behind it is really fun. You have to defend your house from the zombies by placing plants on your lawn (roof and backyard as well). The trick is there's different kinds of zombies like football players that have helmets which means they can take more damage before going down. (And they can eat more of your plants if you don't get them down quickly enough.) Or there's zombies with ladders, that dig underground, that are on pogo sticks, and there's different plants that work on them. Like a Magnet plant, takes anything metal, so it disarms the zombies with buckets or helmets on their heads or that have screen doors for shields. It's really cute and actually can get really complicated. Quote
jumpingbeans Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 Cranium WOW. Am I the only one who plays board games nowadays? Probably. I love board games, but I've never got anyone to play with. :( The last game I played was an internet game, called Elements. It's a really fun card game, which could be explained as a Super Amazing SUPER-AMAZING card game, where you try to drop your opponent's health down to 0, by using creatures and spells Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted October 20, 2010 Author Posted October 20, 2010 Need people's advice, seeing as Fable 3/Force unleashed 2 aren't released until NEXT friday (and both on the same friday, so its pretty annoying) I have one week, so going to rent out another one to keep me occupied until they are released, should I get: -Fallout: New Vegas, (weren't too keen on Fallout 3, repetitive etc, but people are givin this good reviews) - Vanquish: Only heard of this today when I checked out gamespot, looks good because I am a fan of gears of wars, and this is partly similar. - Enslaved: Odyssey to the west: I personally was considering this last week but changed my mind because the back cover didn't really look that good. - Dead Rising2 And this was the one I was after (but was already out) I was looking forward to playing the first one when I first got my xbox, but because I didn't have a decent tv then, you could barely read anything, (does anyone remember that, the first was made for a widescreen tv so when played on a normal tv, it turned out crap) Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 20, 2010 Posted October 20, 2010 I say Dead Rising 2. I know Fallout New Vegas is going to be good. Don't care for the other games. So I suggest Dead Rising 2. The last game I played was a PC game (I'm assuming that's okay for here.) Plants vs Zombies I've wanted to play Plants vs Zombies. It's everywhere, on Xbox Live Arcade, the Playstation Store, iPad, PC, etc. Quote
adobetony Posted October 23, 2010 Posted October 23, 2010 Halo on Xbox 360--did I mention that I'm absolutely terrible at it? Quote
Awesome_Paul Posted October 29, 2010 Author Posted October 29, 2010 Well the day of game releases have come! In the end I rented out Fable 3, and tbh I'm hugely let down. What is with the games with so much hype is so crap. Im not gonna give a full review until next week, because 5 hours is barely enough time to get into a game. But atm the moment Fable 1 >> Fable 2/3 Quote
CAV of Gang Green Posted October 29, 2010 Posted October 29, 2010 I've been hearing good things about Fable 3. But I can't say anything about it since I haven't played the game yet. Tony Hawk's Proving Grounds: 7.4/10 Tony Hawk has been responcible for some of the best alternative sports games of all time. Heck, Tony Hawk 3 for the PS2 has a perfect 10 from Gamespot. Only 7 games have ever gotten a perfect 10 from Gamespot. But lately, Tony Hawk started to grow weak. This trend first started after Underground 2. However, Tony Hawk can still prove fun, and this is one of those cases. The basic style of Tony Hawk games are still here, mixed with the tricks and techniques from Underground 1 and 2. To add to it, they made new tricks, new objectives, and more. However, once you finished all 3 stories (career, hardcore, rigger), it get's old. And the fun begins to vanish right before your eyes. It gets stale and repetitive, and you will find nothing to do afterwards. But it's worth it while the story is going on. It isn't better than the original Tony Hawk games, nor is it better than Underground 1 and 2. But it is surely better than a lot of Tony Hawk games these days, especially Ride. However, Tony Hawk has run it's course. While I would love to see better Tony Hawk games along the road, it doesn't seem likely when their main focus will be the Tony Hawk Ride board, which is terrible no matter what they do with it. If their going to continue to make bad games, it's best to retire the series, unless they like being humiliated by the Skate franchise time and time again. Quote
Luciana Posted November 2, 2010 Posted November 2, 2010 Professor Layton and Unwound Future The third game in Professor Layton's first trilogy. It does not disappoint! Like the previous two games, it's an adventure game that requires you to complete puzzles to continue in the story. There isn't much replay value. Once you complete the story and solve all the puzzles, you're done. But I believe it's worth the money. The story itself is worth about 13-15 hours. Then there's going back and completing all the puzzles and coming back for the weekly puzzles you can get over wi-fi. You will have spent a nice chunk of time with this game by the time you complete it 100%. The story, just like the other two games is very entertaining. It's also the first time you see some actual character development in the main characters(!!!) The visuals are simply gorgeous and a lovely change from the brightly colored games with crazy character designs and anime hair we usually see. The style is reminiscent to The Triplets of Belleville. The animations are extremely attractive with about 30 minutes worth of cutscenes. The voice acting is well done except for maybe two or three characters, but it's nothing you'll have to mute your game over. Which is good, because the music is something you don't want to miss. It's not necessarily memorable, but it fits in with the game and does a wonderful job in setting the mood. I recommend this game for anyone who loves puzzles and an overall great game. However, I recommend buying the first two (which are both great games!) before playing this one. It is a trilogy after all! It makes me happy to see how successful Professor Layton has been outside of Japan. These games take a lot of time and work to be translated. If you've played any of them you'll see how word-heavy they are. Quote
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