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I was so glad they hadn't gone through an entire tier before I got back. I was so afraid I'd miss one. ^^


And really? A 7 hour war? Who was warring?

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Once again thanks to livvy <3 without your help i couldnt have capped them all.


Haha! Noticed that thing aswell. I see it as they were testing it, and either they planned to release it only tomorrow (Or very late today) or it broke and they have to postpone it.


I luckily managed to cap all the wraiths even without Golden Compasses, though the Fury's dark icons really started taking a toll on me. I'm totally looking forward to the next step! :)


Well, I don't really care who, or what, or what to do comes in front of me. If it's something killable, I will decimate it a hundred times, and if it's something puzzlish, I will solve it. Hm, maybe we have to fight Faerieland as the final boss?


So do plots usually have final bosses? Ive never done one .


What do you mean, "room for one more"? The steps stack. There's room for plenty more. Right?


o_0 Like I said, the different steps stack. There's room for plenty more opponents if they appear in a different step.


if theres anyone left here. i have some weapons for sale. ill be highly willing to drop prices on the weapons if you plan on helping to fight more of these shadows.


This last tier is going so slowly. I think people are sick of fighting. The first couple went so fast. I missed the second one because I was asleep!


Well, it's probably partly because some people are tired, and partly because for many people the gradually increasing difficulty of the wraiths means that they can't take them out nearly as fast as before. :yes:


my problem is i just loaned my weaponery to a friend of mine who was having serious trouble killing them. i found two bow of the hegelob


http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/weapon/viewweap/2635 <- this thingy


actually work better than two ramtors spell books. why? because theres not one single light icon and they have a harder time blocking the 9 iconer variety. and for us nearly broke people 40k from shenkuu shop for a 9 iconer that rivals ice club and stone club? you can bet i jumped on that deal.


That's some pretty neat strategizing there, but you know what would be really useful in this situation? A fast ship from Shenkuu and a tactical nuke. :P


Ion cannon it is then. That's probably easier to load on a merchant ship anyway. :P


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