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Is Neocash worth it? :/


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Is it? :)

I really like Customising my Neopets, But the NP items I want are usually too expensive for me, and I've never really been able to afford Neocash.


But, I've been getting really interested in some of the NeoCash items there are, and My Mum said if I was willing to pay with my own Pocket-Money she'd be willing to help me get some through PayPal? :D


I have enough Money to get 4,000 NC and if I buy that I can spend 1,000 NC on each of my pets.

But... I'm still not sure if It's worth spending my Money on... I could always go to the movies or something instead.

In your Opinion, Is NeoCash worth it?

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I'm not sure if Neocash is "worth the money" but gosh, it's addictive. Once you start, it's hard to stop buying more LOL


If you really really enjoy the customization that the Neocash items will bring, I agree with Luciana and go for it! :)


Although, with Halloween and the Holidays in the near future, I wouldn't spend it all in one sitting. There may be several new, and limited edition items coming up. :wub_anim:

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I think I might just browse through the NC Mall, and Pick a couple of outfits I like for my pets :)

Then I can add those Outfits to my Cart and see what they'd all cost together? Then I can get the ammount of NeoCash I'd need to get those outfits? :)


I think I might get some NeoCash.

It seems like a fun way to pass some time on Neopets, Since I can't use the Neoboards.



I don't mind spending my Money on NeoCash. I get around $30 every week, And I usually either save it, Or spend it on Things Like Modelling clay, and Plushies :K

I have a very large collection of Plush Toys.

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In my opinion, it's all about you. If you think it's worth it, go for it. If you don't, then just save your greens :P


NC Mall= more customization & neohome items, and a few other stuff like NB pens.

So if you're really into customization and/or neohomes, then buying NC shouldn't be a wrong decision...

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Honestly, Atta, I really don't believe neocash is worth any of your money. There's so many other ways to dress your pet and make your profile impressive for free rather than spending 40 real dollars on virtual images. In fact, being a player for over 5 years and seeing my friends play, I genuinely believe that not many people check pet profiles enough for you to spend your money on decorating your pets (and they won't know or appreciate the amount of bucks used to achieve your pets' looks). The more you spend in the nc mall, the more you're going to spend on neocash in the future. I'm also not a fan with how so many nc mall products are temporary and disappear over time. If free np items are permanent, shouldn't nc items be, too? Therefore, I think your 40 dollars could be used in so many more useful ways than on virtual pets like going out for dinner with friends or donating to charity. I personally would enjoy doing something that is more real and spend my money on authentic things rather than on some pastime online site.

Besides, Neopets makes more than enough money from it's aggressive and overwhelming advertisements. Making kids watch commercials before playing games? Really?! It feels like Neopets is out only to make money these days. Stick to the original free neopoints, and you'll still have fun as always. Paint your pets, and they'll still look very attractive ;)

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I really have no idea if I'm willing to buy NeoCash now... There are so many Reasons it is worth it, But so many reasons it Isn't :sad01_anim:

I might just get $20 NeoCash :)

That way I can still give my pets some pretty Outfits, But I wont be afraid that I wasted too much Money on them.

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Keidyn, I buy NeoCash because *I* like to see my pets in pretty clothes... its got nothing to do with caring about what other users think of my profile or my pets. But people do look anyway because I often get nice neomails from people complimenting my pets ^_^

And none of the clothing items are temporary btw, they stop being sold yes but if you have them they never vanish xD Actually aside from the NC items for the Legends game, I can't think of any that vanish over time.


Atta - if you think you want to buy some NC with your pocket money thats your choice :) You could always pick out some NeoPoint items you like and save up for them if you wanted to, instead of buying NC, or maybe pick one NC item for each pet so that you don't spend too much for you. I guess the key thing is, only you can know whether NC is going to be worth it for you - if it is or isn't for others doesn't really have any bearing on you and your personal situation.

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I like to change my Neopets Looks a lot :)

And , If I had NC chances are I'd end up getting addicted to buying them new Outfits every week.




I can't really Spent NP at the moment, It's all stuck in my Bank because I forgot my Pin Number.

So if I ever want to buy something I have to save up the NP for it just so I have it on hand =/

I can't just get it out of my bank.

That's one reason I thought It'd be easier to get NeoCash ^^'

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