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Heh, it's an investemnt for me.


Alongside this event, the battler community on the boards hosts an "tournament", where according to your pet's league (Which comes from your stats), you race on who gets most points (Each challenger in the war is worth Wins*Difficulty) with all ppl in the same league as you.


I'm currentky in a very healthy lead, but I want to make sure, so I spent 18M on one weapon yesterday. -.-


That said, I would still be in top 3 in league 14 or so, which has pets with 4-5 times stronger than my pet + much more expensive (read: better) weapons.



I'm actually unhappy at my scores from the first enemies:

Minion: 1200

Brute: 424

Fury: 202

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HOLY CRAP. 0_0 What weapon costs 18 MILLION neopoints?


Actually, no. Don't answer that. I'm just going to sit here and be amazed. *proceeds to do so* *is interrupted by timer beeping* Huh? Oh, time to take Lili out of training. Heh. She's working on it. ^^

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I really want the Faerie Twin Blades (is that what they're called?) that are in the Hidden Tower. But I couldn't spend 12 million on a weapon. I'd end up getting another Draik. :laughingsmiley:

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So more battledome huh. Ah well I had trouble capping the furys so im sure this will be beyond me but maybe i ca at least get the deeds they put out with the challenges

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With these new enemies coming out in the next steps, is it possible that the past minions, brutes, and furies will be there too? I haven't capped the furies, but I'd really like too.

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:O *falls over* The numbers you BDers quote perpetually astound me. I cringe just paying 100k for something.


Haha I agree! Oh my 10 mil/20 mil set. No big deal. Not to mention the money they spend to get such high-statted pets!

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Yeah, well... Codestones like the eo have disgustingly high prices now. But bri codestones and some others are still OK...


Wait, it might the the only codestone that still has quite reasonable prices. D:

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I was reading old editorials and I found this http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=195.

It seems that the statue at the bottom of the ocean does have a role here!


That's a really old Editorial though. That's from Y7, we're not in Y12, so it's been roughly 5 years. They only said you'd have to wait a little bit. Plus, I think the Darkest Faerie was involved in the Altador plot.

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That's a really old Editorial though. That's from Y7, we're not in Y12, so it's been roughly 5 years. They only said you'd have to wait a little bit. Plus, I think the Darkest Faerie was involved in the Altador plot.

It said they'll reveal what it is in a new ^darker* plot to be revealed after the lost desert bit. Also the Altador plot involved the darl faerie in the Hall of heroes.

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It said they'll reveal what it is in a new ^darker* plot to be revealed after the lost desert bit. Also the Altador plot involved the darl faerie in the Hall of heroes.

they are the same faerie, one is just a statue, one is the actual faerie

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