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Happy Draik Day!


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That's the exact same with me!

Have you read my mind?

I second that, or in fact third Divya's comment, crazy mind reader...


But I also agree that you can see a lot of that beautiful detail on the large photos that seem to loose its edge or awesomeness or what have you in the smaller pictures.

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These are gorgeous! I think I'm going to have to get 2 Draiks now. One to paint Faerie and one for Woodland. And while I'm saving up for the PBs, one can be Camo as I had planned, and the other Snow. Oh TNT, you did awesome things for Draik Day.


And I have to get that Ruby Staff thing. It's gorgeous!

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I second that, or in fact third Divya's comment, crazy mind reader...


But I also agree that you can see a lot of that beautiful detail on the large photos that seem to loose its edge or awesomeness or what have you in the smaller pictures.


Ahhhhh me. :)


And in the bigger picture, the Woodland looks positively beautiful! I can see the great details of the wood in it. Thanks!


These are gorgeous! I think I'm going to have to get 2 Draiks now. One to paint Faerie and one for Woodland. And while I'm saving up for the PBs, one can be Camo as I had planned, and the other Snow. Oh TNT, you did awesome things for Draik Day.


And I have to get that Ruby Staff thing. It's gorgeous!


Lol Spritzie!

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The details are excelent, but I still wouldn't paint one in either of those colors.


These are gorgeous! I think I'm going to have to get 2 Draiks now.


2? I like Hissi, and I like them in both Darigan and Halloween. Doesn't mean I'm going to get 2.

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Actually, the large picture makes a huge difference, it looks amazing, the woodland I mean, it looks like a fairy tale! :woot: haha, also it's kinda cute that both new colors have leeves in the head.. I guess a branch on the snow one would have looked too ugly..:laughingsmiley:

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OMG OMG OMG NINJAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE NINJAS!!!!!!!! (and don't you think that a chocolate draik would have fit better, you know, for the chocolate ball? or is there already one?) Also, I like how the girl draik looks kind of royal, it's cheaper than a paint brush.

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I hate that their woodland is horrible looking. I wish they did more. If only they added in some crimson colored flowers or just something to show some sort of detail. But I guess they just want to make it clear and simple? I have a hunch that the paintbrushes will quickly decrease in price with how lame these are. -.- I think they are 25 million at the moment.. right? *shrugs*


The snow ones are cute though. I like the little leaf that comes out of nowhere. It's how I would draw any animal. Little hairs in the middle. ;P

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