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I am an absolute idiot when it comes to HTML and I wouldn't usually even try but I'm trying to do something for the neopian times and I need to know how to put sections into italics. I don't think that my Word formatting will let the neopets team know that the sections are meant to be in italics.


For instance the first section that needs to be in italics is:


'All of the others have been painted! It's not fair! I'm your only pet who is still their original colour and I barely even have any clothes to make up for it.'

'You know the reason why you haven't been painted yet tdub. You want to be painted Faerie and that's out of my budget at the moment. And have you looked at the closet lately? It's not my fault that you don't like any of it!'

'Of course it is! You're the one who has the ability to buy all of this stuff and you buy rubbish yet still expect me to gush over it.'


Would I just need to put the [ i ] that is used here or is there something else I need to do? And yes I know that I probably ought to know this kind of basics!


Thanks in advance.


I'm pretty sure with HTML it's just <i> instead. And to close it would be </i>. If you want, type it into a petpage to see how it'll turn out.


Thank you! I just can't get my head around HTML, I can write etc, but other than pressing control and I/B/U depending on circumstance I cannot do formatting!


Have you tried the simple HTML guide that Neopets has got on its website? It is really simple to follow!


But as said before it is <i> and </i>.


HTML always uses these brackets <>. You always close a tag by typing </>

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