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TNT Extends Six Flags Event!


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Last week, users outside of the US were very frustrated when the Six Flags sponsor suddenly became unavailable. Good news! It's been reinstated to international users and the deadline has been extended!



Due to some technical issues with our sponsor's Six Flags event, we have decided to extend the deadline for it. The Six Flags Virtual Park, as well as the Souvenir Shop, will remain open until September 16 -- so now you have until then to spend your flags! A week before the end of the Six Flags event, we will announce the winner of the Flags of Fun competition, so keep an eye out! Once again, we apologize for the mess-up and thank you for your patience!

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Yay! happiness to all non-US players! :laughingsmiley: And yay to extended date! i needed more time to get more souvenirs :laughingsmiley:

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Yay now I'm ecstatic lol. Now I have a chance to purchase a whole bunch of neggs to sell! Yippee! Saving for so many things. Being from canada this is great news and I'm sure other non-Us players are just as ecstatic as I am. Thank you TNT! :wub_anim:

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