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hey, guys!!!

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Hi Hilda! Nice to meet you! *waves* My name's Livvy. =]


That's great! Don't apologize, we love questions! And as long as you follow the rules, we'll be happy to answer them. :) We really are a helpful (albeit mildly insane (:) bunch.


The snack table is to your left, by the way. Feel free to take anything, just don't kick it. I live under there.

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Hi! I am Divya. *shakes hand through computer* :D


Questions are great! I love questions. I have a bunch of them myself! Feel free to ask your questions because we (not necessarily me ;) ) can answer them all! :laughingsmiley:


PS - I live under the snack table too. :laughingsmiley:

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Welcome to the forums!

Everybody’s allowed in.

Looking for fun?

Consider checking the rules first.

Once you’ve seen them you

Must visit the Word Fun

Even Neopians need a break!


Then, visit anything you want.

Only the Debate has more rules.


Take your time here.

Don’t worry if you feel newbish

No one gets banned for that!


For only if you’re really bad

Or rude or obnoxious or

Really, really horrible

Understand this clearly:

May the Forums be with you!


Have a great time at the forums, and be sure to ask us anything you need to know.

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Hi Hilda! I'm Skot. And remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. :D And I love the Percy Jackson series! I want to read his new book but I haven't been able to afford it yet.

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1. Welcome to TDN. I'm CAV, TDN's Video Game Addict.

2. Wipe your feet before you enter.

3. Don't always be so serious, exept in "Debate and Discussion", which has a few special rules.

4. Which reminds me, follow all TDN rules. We don't want you in trouble now do we?

5. Don't be afraid to ask people questions.

6. Try to join HAMS, the dominant group on TDN. I'm one of the Leaders and Founders, so I should be able to help you.

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Welcome to the forums. I'm Spritzie. :)


We love questions here. The answers help everyone. I've been playing for 8 years, and I've learned so much, just by reading the answers to other's questions.


Plus, we have a lot of knowledgeable members here.

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Guest Yoshinho

Hello and Welcome! I am yoshinho or yoshi. Please read the rules(you probably already did).


Remember to also check out my forums! http://s4.zetaboards.com/Yoshiboards/ Completely safe and has cool features! Comment on my profile for more information or PM me.


PM me if you have any questions on how to use these forums. I have been using these types of forums for years.

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Hello everyone! I will just go by my Neopets username, Stephanies_phantom. I'm new to this forum and website! However, I have been playing on Neopets off and on for the past five years. Just recently I've gotten really into it! I've upgraded my shop, discovered new things, collected many avatars, started battling in the Battledome for Defenders of Neopia, and so much more!


I may have some questions still believe it or not and I appreciate any help or advice given to me.


Oh and I'm always game for new Neofriends.


Thank you so much! XD

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