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1. Welcome to TDN and welcome back to Neopets. I'm CAV, TDN's Video Game Addict.

2. Wipe your feet before you enter.

3. Don't always be so serious, exept in "Debate and Discussion", which has a few special rules.

4. Which reminds me, follow all TDN rules. We don't want you in trouble now do we?

5. Don't be afraid to ask people questions.

6. Try to join HAMS, the dominant group on TDN. I'm one of the Leaders and Founders, so I should be able to help you.


Consider yourself lucky that your account is still intact. TNT has been on a freezing spree due to the CG scare, and one of their rules is that if you don't sign into your account in 2 years, it gets deleted.

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Yes, there are 4 people that found HAMS, and they are the leaders of the army. You've seen 2 (me and Trinston), if you can find the others and tell me who they are, I'll give you a key. Nobody knows what it's for. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Welcome to the forums. :) I'm Spritzie.


It's too bad your account was wiped out. I got lucky. I came back after quite some time. (Multiple years) and everything on my account was how I left it.

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Hey, and welcome to TDNF! You've already had some pretty interesting characters greet you, and now you've got another. :laughingsmiley: My name is Livvy. Pleased ta meet ya.


As Noog said, be sure to read the rules. As long as you follow those and keep our mods happy, the rest of us will be happy, and will gladly help you in your effort to rebuild your account. Speaking of which, it's quite a shame it got wiped. =[ But if you stick with us, I'm sure you'll have gotten a good restart in no time!


I've reached the end of my spiel, so all I have left to tell you is that the snack table is to your left. *points* Enjoy!

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Hi, I'm Angie. I didn't know accounts got wiped. I left for about 3 years too when I had my son and I just came back to everything.


I did read in an Editorial, they tend to leave accounts that have been inactive, if they've obviously had a lot put into them. Where as inactive accounts that were barely touched, I guess they figure the people are less likely to come back to them.

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Welcome! I'm new to this forum too!


I know how it is with an inactive Neopets account after awhile. I've played on Neopets off and on for the past five years. Just recently, I've been on Neopets starting all over! I'm pretty much into collecting trohpies and avatars. :)



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