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There was one place where there was "green writing" (comments in the source code for those of you who aren't using firefox), but almost the exact same thing showed up nearby. But it didn't seem like instructions, so, maybe you have something different...


Has anyone found clue 4 yet? I think I might have but the page has a "cannot find" error. The link is to a thedailyneopets address but it doesn't actually lead anywhere...

clouded i think i found what you found, is the 1st 2 words to teh green bit "NEW changes"


No, but it referred to the plot, referred to me being a noob :P d'uh hehehe and then had instructions for something...like html or a url or something

There was one place where there was "green writing" (comments in the source code for those of you who aren't using firefox), but almost the exact same thing showed up nearby. But it didn't seem like instructions, so, maybe you have something different...

OK. Were were the comments in the Source Code. I think soemthing's going on...

No, but it referred to the plot, referred to me being a noob :P d'uh hehehe and then had instructions for something...like html or a url or something


Sunny thats the only green writing i've found too. Im really confused.


Green writing? That's odd. Any hints on where you found it?

Nvm, I found it...but it looks more like something for the very end...


Yeah it does. So its not the green source code others were talking about then? Any more clues on where that was?

clouded, where was it? In the HW, the DF, or the interviews?

I assume we're allowed to tell each other where the hints are since people already did for the first two hints in this thread - so that said, mods, can we actually talk about WHERE the clues are just not WHAT they are??


I don't see any green writing in the source code......


You have around 20 minutes remaining.


And you only get green writing depending on browsers - you will in FF. It's unrelated ;)


Oh noes! 20 minutes?


I refuse to give up. I've come to far too quit now.

I don't see any green writing in the source code......

If you're using IE its not green - just normal black font. At least it was for me.


Still can't find the third hint though...


Oh, I have IE, so I guess that explains it.


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