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What is this madness I have been hearing?

O. Nuclear

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First and foremost, if my typing is off a little, sorry. I got stabbed with a staple and typing really hurts right now on my iddle finger. So I have to use my index and my other hand.


Okay, so I'm just browsing around on the Neobaords, and I've noticed people are getting frozn for protection a lot lately. Why? Because of a recent Cg scare. So, what's been going on? How long has this been going on?


I read everyone's story and changed my PW and put PINs on everything. I know that's not the worst thing that has happened to Neopets, but I just wanna know what's been going on.

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Yeah, I heard that people are buying low-priced codestones and getting CGed. Mine may be low-priced (200 NPs), but I have nothing to gain by CGing someone else. I don't even know how to DO that. Back to this issue, I think the codestones were like 20 or 15 NPs or something.


I didn't know they were on ULs, too. I only heard it was in shops. Now I can't even restock because of this CG junk! So...lame!

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CGing can occur on anything that can be altered by a user, so user shops are included. However, (and please correct me if I'm wrong on this anybody!) CGers CAN'T get hold of your pin, because its not saved as a cookie. So just stick pins on everything and if anybody does get hold of your password, there's nothing much they can do lol.


"Frozen for protection" happens (again, correct me if I'm wrong :P) because people report there accounts as CGed. If you report there's very very little chance you'll get your stuff back (I think I only know of 1 person? And they might have lied lol), and your account gets frozen until further notice AND you can prove its you (by knowing all your neofriends, recent trades, recent mail sent etc) - so I don't really see the point.


If you really wana be safe, pin EVERYTHING, set your settings to delete your cookies everytime you close your browser (not sure if this helps, just makes me feel more safe!), and stick by the golden rule of thumb -

If its too good to be true, then it probably is.

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I am one of the unfortunates. :( Frozen for "protection". What am I supposed to do with my time now?


I did not report my own account for CGing, I had no idea anything odd had even occurred.

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It surprises me that CGs make their way to user inputted content since Neopets is so strict with what coding words are allowed. I guess there's a workaround of some kind, though...


I have another question about the CGs. When they grab cookies, do they get only your Neopets information, or did I read someone's explanation to say they grab all of your cookies? That could be disastrous, as they could then access information on other commonly visited sites, right?

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It surprises me that CGs make their way to user inputted content since Neopets is so strict with what coding words are allowed. I guess there's a workaround of some kind, though...


I have another question about the CGs. When they grab cookies, do they get only your Neopets information, or did I read someone's explanation to say they grab all of your cookies? That could be disastrous, as they could then access information on other commonly visited sites, right?

They can only grab your neopets cookies. Cookie grabbers are there only for the site they are situated on... So no worries about other passwords.


For those that are scared... I found a guide 'Practical Defense against cookie grabbers'.

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Why would you sell your codestones for 200 neopoints when they're easily worth 10xs that or more? :eh:


The scam going around mostly concerns shops selling codestones for 200nps, but when you go to their shop, nothing is there except for the CGer.


Anyway, you can still go about your business on Neopets and in shops. If you think something looks too good to be true, it probably is and you should stay away. If you do view a shop that looks suspicious - get out- then delete your cookies and change your password right away.


If you use Firefox, there are plenty of Javascript disabling addons for an extra bit of protection.

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They can only grab your neopets cookies. Cookie grabbers are there only for the site they are situated on... So no worries about other passwords.


For those that are scared... I found a guide 'Practical Defense against cookie grabbers'.


Good. That makes me feel better. And thanks for the link. It's very helpful.

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I installed noscript and, even though I've had no problem in the past with CGers and its really annoying to go through all my normal sites clicking "allow", it makes me feel much safer :D google it ;D

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If you have a good antivirus and antispyware program on your computer, then theoretically, if you click a bad link on neopets or go into a bad shop, shouldn't it just block you from going any further (in other words your antivirus wont allow you to go in the shop), and from the spyware getting your cookies? Like those bad links all over facebook that if you click you get infected, my antivirus blocks all of them and prevents me from getting infections.

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I think it'd depend on your antivirus and antispyware programs. Each program has different features, so you'd probably have to download or purchase the programs that come with link scanners.


Viridian, thanks for the guide. I'll be sure to read it soon.


It seems that most people who get their accounts CG'd seem to be buying Codestones from the Shop Wizard for absurdly low prices. I usually use the Trading Post for Codestones, when/if I need them, because it's not something customizable by the users (and therefore safer). Always use caution on the SW, just to be safe. If it's too good to be true, it probably is. It's difficult to tell whether those low priced items come from a genuine shop or from a scammer.


I don't believe PINs are stored in cookies either, so if you throw PINs on everything and get CG'd, your account is probably a bit safer.

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Is there a defense against someone abandoning/mutating your pets if they manage to get into your account? Just wondering.


As far as abandoning, if you require your PIN before abandoning a pet, that should be good enough to stop someone from abandoning them. There's no guard against mutating, except that if you protect all your other assets (like NPs in the bank and SDB) then they can't use any of your NPs to get a potion or paintbrush, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for them to put their own NPs in to buying a potion or paintbrush to paint a pet that they then can't move to another account.

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As far as abandoning, if you require your PIN before abandoning a pet, that should be good enough to stop someone from abandoning them. There's no guard against mutating, except that if you protect all your other assets (like NPs in the bank and SDB) then they can't use any of your NPs to get a potion or paintbrush, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for them to put their own NPs in to buying a potion or paintbrush to paint a pet that they then can't move to another account.


That's what I do. I have a PIN on everything. Shop, Bank, Pets, Petpets, etc. And I never leave any NP out of the bank when I sign off. That's a pretty sure way to protect them.


I must say, I did laugh at the idea of someone logging on their own account, getting the potion, and all that, to transfer. Someone would have to be super mean, and really quite crazy.

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