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Neopets being REAALLLY slow???


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I'm sure it can't just be me as I'm on my boyfriends computer which is much better and faster. It's also not affecting any other site I go on...


Is anyone else having this issue?

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Yes! I was trying to do my dailies and the silly bank wouldnt load! :rolleyes_anim: Neither would Petpet Park. :sad02: I want my free, worthless, item.


PS - the Dark Side is lying. :D

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It seems to have sped up again now, thank God for that...it was driving me crazy!!!


EDIT: And the dark side never lies. I have seen their cookies...

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Mine seems to be running smoothly now...


And you lie!!! The cookies be real and true. All promises made my the dark side will be kept in the fullness of time. The cookies have smarties on them!

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Well, with as much money as they are making, you would think they would replace the servers with a better, bigger, heck, even multiple server.... I can understand when a game like Impressive Title has a crappy server, but Neopet's has no excuse...

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