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Ummm, stamps, books, petpets... :whistle: I'm trying to make Aitvara my smartest pet. (She's the Draik, so she get's the new books first) She's now Ultimate Genius (221). And I bought that new Altador petpet. The Razui? I think it was spelled.


Welcome Sarafina. :) Will you leave Flamestorm as a Red Draik forever? Or do you plan to eventually paint her?


Spritzie, Aitvara does deserve all of that. But you know, she also deserves a Faerie PB... :laughingsmiley:


Hi Sarafina! Welcome! :D Flamestorm is a lovely name for a Fire Draik (they have those, right?)


It is so nice when I post on the dailies and see, "Aitvara pulls out a ticket..." :laughingsmiley:


:laughingsmiley: I know, I love that. I really need to get some wearables for her. So far, she just has the background and the Shenkuu Warrior Princess Staff.


It is hard to find wearables that look good with Camo. Clothes look kind of strange because it looks like too much color.


True. Draik's wear the clothes better than any other species, I think. The Shenkuu Warrior Princess outfit is actually really cute on her, especially with her color. (Except the wig. There's something weird about the wig.)


Good luck with that JB! :laughingsmiley: Hows saving going?


I am roughly 8 mil away because I have 3 mil. I am good at haggling and I have managed to get some people to go all way down it 11 mil!


EDIT: Spritzie, so true. I think it is because of their body shape. And I think that Draiks are the only species that can pull off wigs. :laughingsmiley:


The wigs are just weird though.


I know! I can't believe you got that person down to 10 million. I had to pay 12.


Spritzie, yes the wigs are weird. <_< And thanks! I was so proud of myself. :D


JB, she was talking to me. :P


EDIT: JB, if you haggle really well, then you can get it down to minimum of 11 mil. :yes:


Welcome Sarafina. :) Will you leave Flamestorm as a Red Draik forever? Or do you plan to eventually paint her?

Hi Sarafina! Welcome! :D Flamestorm is a lovely name for a Fire Draik (they have those, right?)


Thanks for the welcome.

I'm debating between Red, Magma (I have access to the Magma Pool) and Fire.


That would be perfect. Fire would have been perfect for the name of mine. Aitvara is the what the Salvic called fiery flying serpents.


Sarafina, Magma is perfect! And at no cost at all! :O


And Spritzie, Magma also wouldnt be to bad for Aitvara...but Faerie is better for her. :laughingsmiley:


I must have a Faerie Draik. It's just a requirement. Nothing else will do. :laughingsmiley: Except maybe a Chocolate Draik. But that will come later.


I just want a draik of a colour that's not blue, red, green or yellow.


Faerie Draiks are just that amazing! Spritzie, for your second Draik, the first color should be Snow and then Chocolate! The two new colors! :laughingsmiley:


Zakuro, me too! But then again, I wouldnt mind having a basic, so long as it is a Draik! :D

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