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There is no way you could have coded that from scratch and have it come out with IDENTICAL source code - aside from the minor changes to your own image URLs and colours, everything is the same as mine. Hell, even the code for my FAQ divs is still in your version of my CSS and you don't even HAVE any divs called that!! To get that (and the rest of it being so identical) you had to have opened my source code and copied it... how could you not think that was theft?

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Now that it's August, I should be finding out about my Draik/Krawk trade. (Now that he has a transfer) So I could find out as soon as today. I'm nervous. I really want this Draik, as it will be perfect to become a Faerie Draik later on.


I even already have a Petpet picked out for it.

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Ahhhh good luck Spritzie! This is so exciting! Let us know as soon as you find out!


And guys, I is sending in my app now! Eeek! I am so nervous. *gnaws finger nails*

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Spritzie, I hope you get to do your trade. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. And I think that your pet/petpet combo is great.


Good luck, Divya! I really hope that you get Nohrbert. I think your app is very sweet and to the point.

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Ahh! I cant wait! This is so exciting! Spritzie, you are gonna be the first and then me and Anisha will be tied for 2nd because we both find out on August 30th!!! Eeek!

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Oh and he hasnt replied? Oy. Crazy people. :rolleyes_anim: That is something I wish Neo would add! And also because I forget to write down the names of people I send messages too. :*

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Guys! I got a good reply from the owner of the Ghost Draik! It says:


Hi Divya!


Thank you so much for your application! You have definitely been considered! You will find out on August 30th (and no sooner!) if you are chosen. I have saved the link to your petpage application and feel free to Neomail updates. However, do not delete or move your application because you will be disqualified. Thanks!





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:S There was this one girl who stated that she had received 45 and only 2 had followed her rules, so she had only accepted two. I decided not apply for her Draik...

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It is Ghost. I dont really like it, but this owner seemed the nicest and most welcoming and I really like the name: Nohrbert. The only thing is that it wouldnt sound too good on a Faerie Draik! :laughingsmiley:

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Are you going to repaint it? If so... what color? I'm assuming you're giving up on the Faerie Draik?


I'm starting to think maybe I should head to the Neoboards and shop around, in case this person backs out.

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