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Draik Lair


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Wow. That was really generous. I had talked about doing that when the Abandoned Attic opened. If I could get a Draik Egg, after I hatched my first one (this was before Aitvara) I would have sold any others to my friends that wanted Draiks for a super low price like that.

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Wow. That was really generous. I had talked about doing that when the Abandoned Attic opened. If I could get a Draik Egg, after I hatched my first one (this was before Aitvara) I would have sold any others to my friends that wanted Draiks for a super low price like that.


same here, still working towards another egg, I wish the Shore would stop giving me chests - I want to open them.

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What color are you planning for your next one?


I don't know if I will be getting another Draik anytime soon. I had originally planned on having 3: Faerie, Maraquan, and Chocolate. But I changed my mind about Faerie and painted Aitvara Water. (Using my FFQ because I changed my mind about Chocolate.) So now, I don't know. I would like to get a Wraith Draik someday.

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same here, still working towards another egg, I wish the Shore would stop giving me chests - I want to open them.


I haven't gotten anything in two weeks!


Q: If a pet doesn't want a certain petpet to be atached to him, can you somehow make him? I'm soon (as soon as someone replies) painting Altheya Faerie and I though a Kazeriu would be perfect for ehr but I'm get the *AAAAAAAARGH* thing :/ Can anything be done?

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i'm working on my photoshop skills (after seeing what seap does), and i'm getting better at it.

anyways... not so much time for neopets... bad me...

i'll be back very early tomorrow, 'cause many teachers are... GONE ^^

that means i'm going to play some games and rs a bit ^^


@lovebee: change language and attach it then, try dutch ^^ it's because the amount of letters is the same, and then they won't accept food/books/petpets and such

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i'm working on my photoshop skills (after seeing what seap does), and i'm getting better at it.

anyways... not so much time for neopets... bad me...

i'll be back very early tomorrow, 'cause many teachers are... GONE ^^

that means i'm going to play some games and rs a bit ^^


@lovebee: change language and attach it then, try dutch ^^ it's because the amount of letters is the same, and then they won't accept food/books/petpets and such


I didn't know it was the same for petpets. I know for the books, yeah. Thank you lisauntie :)

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Always ready to help people when i have to be sleeping and using the ipod to comment on things 0:-)

And i read it somewhere, so i guess it's just te same for petpets...

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What color are you planning for your next one?


I don't know if I will be getting another Draik anytime soon. I had originally planned on having 3: Faerie, Maraquan, and Chocolate. But I changed my mind about Faerie and painted Aitvara Water. (Using my FFQ because I changed my mind about Chocolate.) So now, I don't know. I would like to get a Wraith Draik someday.



I'm thinking royal, now my biggest issue is someone asking for the price on the trident of Poseidon - don't know what to do - this person is a collector, I know that much but I'm afraid of asking too much or too little...


edited: have found a price of 4mil on Jellyneo price history but thats over a year old so not sure how trustworthy it is

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I'm thinking royal, now my biggest issue is someone asking for the price on the trident of Poseidon - don't know what to do - this person is a collector, I know that much but I'm afraid of asking too much or too little...


edited: have found a price of 4mil on Jellyneo price history but thats over a year old so not sure how trustworthy it is


I've had the same problem with Plushie Chomby MP. There were only two more on TP and none of them had a price. On Jellyneo it said it's worth 3 mil. but all offers I got were around 2.5 mil. .. I was so frustrated I ended up giving the MP to someone who's Chomby is a dream pet.


Ask him a bit how much he would be willing to pay :)

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Which do you like better? If you ended up with the opposite gender, you could always fight the lab ray scientist to get it changed before you paint.


Hmmm leaning towards boy .... but the wig an tail rings on the girl are hard to pass up, Ohhh key quest likes me today it just gave me two frozen neggs, a code stone and swirly negg on a gold key

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You could always do both. :whistle: Paint the one you like least first, to get the clothes, then fight the scientist to change gender, then paint again. It'd cost only (I have so many high priced goals, I apparently can add "only" to this sentence.) 3,395,000 if you got them on the discount days at the Hidden Tower.

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only, hahaha, that made me laugh, i can't even afford one :(

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You could always do both. :whistle: Paint the one you like least first, to get the clothes, then fight the scientist to change gender, then paint again. It'd cost only (I have so many high priced goals, I apparently can add "only" to this sentence.) 3,395,000 if you got them on the discount days at the Hidden Tower.


not a bad idea, my goal at one time was to collect all Usuki's - got one of the most expensive (space usuki) now trying to sell it, so far thats fallen flat on its face

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yeah, i get more requests now, because people credit me ^^

and i'm learning how to master photoshop, getting better already, so i'm happy :D

but you're right, if i do not spend, and if i just keep earning very little bits, i'll evantually have got enough ^^

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yeah, i get more requests now, because people credit me ^^

and i'm learning how to master photoshop, getting better already, so i'm happy :D

but you're right, if i do not spend, and if i just keep earning very little bits, i'll evantually have got enough ^^



It is a very nice siggy -


Now it I could get rid or the green knight shield and darrigan skeith tail guard I would be set.

wait are tikibomb bags really worth 25mil?

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