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Draik Lair


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I recommend waiting for the name. If you pick it out too far before you get your Draik, someone could end up taking it. I picked out Aitvara the day I bought her Draik Egg, and I kept her name a complete secret, I think Divya and Anisha were the only ones I told, until I hatched her 2 days later.


Haha too late :D But the name is in my language, so probably no one will think of it. I decided for a Desert Draik .. I made this incredible NC customization, that'll never happen :(

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Yeah, people are rude like that:( it's so stupid, why would you steal a name just to be rude???

But i wanna see the custom too, show me=D

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Just don't tell anyone the name you've picked. I've seen people take them, just to be rude. <_<


Can you show us the customization? :D I'd love to see it.

I think it's missing a wand or a staff, but I couldn't find any I'd like ..


It doesn't show the picture .. anyway I used Lost Desert Pyramids Background, Sun Shower, Desert Draik Tail Rings and Regal Altador Dress on a Desert Draik :)


As you can see, I am a fan of a simple cutomization.


BTW: Spritzie Aitvara looks great I must say!

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You COULD make another side and send one of your pets there... It's a possibiity:)

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It's really pretty! I just threw it together on DTI.


So like this?:



Yes, but it's missing something. I'm really bad at customization, so I can't figure it out .. eeh, not that I'm getting any of this stuff :)

I have a question .. when you hatch a draik, do you get to pick the gender? I really know nothing about this ..

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I have a question .. when you hatch a draik, do you get to pick the gender? I really know nothing about this ..


No but you can change your pets gender by battling the lab scientist if you have access to the lab to get him as a BD challenger.


Yes, but it's missing something. I'm really bad at customization, so I can't figure it out .. eeh, not that I'm getting any of this stuff :)


Your customisation is lovely! That dress is really nice on draiks, and the background is lovely and unfussy.

What about a hat or wig? I like the Royal Girl Draik Tiara and Hair with it personally, and if you had those clothes I guess the Royal Girl Draik Bracelets would be nice too. You mentioned a staff, maybe the MiniMME6-S1: Golden Wand of Wonder since it has a splash of purple in there too?

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Yes, but it's missing something. I'm really bad at customization, so I can't figure it out .. eeh, not that I'm getting any of this stuff :)

I have a question .. when you hatch a draik, do you get to pick the gender? I really know nothing about this ..


I only used the items you mentioned, though I did try out some wands/staffs for fun. You should go through DTI and see if there's any you like with it.


Also, the Regal Altador Dress and Sun Shower are still in the NC Mall, so you can still get them. :) The background, you can find someone to trade with for it.


I was expecting to get to pick the gender, but nope. I got lucky, Aitvara hatched as female like I was hoping.

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I really like your custom, you should buy it and custom her RIGHT NOW!!!

it's too bad that you cannot pick the gender, but i think you just need to unlock the scientist as BD challenger:)

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I'd gotten the challenger shortly before hatching Aitvara. I've never needed to use him for that, but I might end up needing to.


Since Draik MP prices aren't going down, I'll probably end up buying a Pirate Draik Egg and hatching and painting Maraquan on my main (so I can have the PB clothes for Aitvara) then transferring it to my sea account. Then I'll either buy a Magical Pirate Krawk Plushie, or hope I get one, and use it on the pet I planned to morph into a Draik, and paint it Camouflage.



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I only used the items you mentioned, though I did try out some wands/staffs for fun. You should go through DTI and see if there's any you like with it.


Also, the Regal Altador Dress and Sun Shower are still in the NC Mall, so you can still get them. :) The background, you can find someone to trade with for it.


I was expecting to get to pick the gender, but nope. I got lucky, Aitvara hatched as female like I was hoping.


I don't have NC mall access :/ I was thinking that I could order NC Cash Card from amazon.co.uk (since the german one doesn't have them) and then give the code to some who has acces and he could send me some items .. maybe I'll do that. But I had to pick someone I really trust - probably someone from here.


If I could get some items from NC mall, I could finally customize my IinDigoo (maraquan jubjub) with some nice back/foreground items at least... :)


No but you can change your pets gender by battling the lab scientist if you have access to the lab to get him as a BD challenger.




Your customisation is lovely! That dress is really nice on draiks, and the background is lovely and unfussy.

What about a hat or wig? I like the Royal Girl Draik Tiara and Hair with it personally, and if you had those clothes I guess the Royal Girl Draik Bracelets would be nice too. You mentioned a staff, maybe the MiniMME6-S1: Golden Wand of Wonder since it has a splash of purple in there too?


Yes, a wig would be nice. And I did put that wand on, actually :D I didn't know you can do that! (with the lab scientist) So how does this work? (I am such a n00b when it comes to BD)



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Ooo, camouflage does like awesome on a krawk. You know, I was really looking towards going with a maractite brush but I'm now thinking that might be a bit too dark for customizations. Now I'm contemplating maybe even leaving him pirate once I get him. I kind of really like the base color.

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Krawk is the only pet I like with camouflage colour. You can see they worked hard, but it's unfair how they make some colours for certain pets amazing, and for other it's just bleh :/


Oh and Spritzie, they will. I just saw 5 fresh trades with Pirate Draik Eggs today :)

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I've had 3 different Camo pets, my Draik, which was until I could paint a more expensive color, and my Flotsam and Jetsam are currently Camo.


Really? That's awesome. :D I need to get my games played today. I've made about 150k in the last 2 days, so I need to keep working in it. Did they have prices listed?

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i hope the prices drop, that makes it easier to achieve my goal :whistle:

i'm going to play some games today to make some np, not much, i'm not used to a goal, but i'll try :laughingsmiley:


@spritzie: the camo krawk is really awesome, and about those maraquan clothes for aitvara, i thought that those pb clothes can't be worn by any other colour... :mellow:

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