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haha nice one wembly :laughingsmiley: having bets win together is a way to REALLY rack up the NPS :)


what do you guys think of Jet's current customization? I loooove that helmet, wish I had one like it xDD


Thanks Spritzie :D


Are you keeping your wrist on ice or something? I hope it heals soon :(


Now that I have the splint off, I'm supposed to occasionally put ice on it. And at other times, run it under warm water while I bend my fingers. My fingers are really stiff because the tendons in my hand got bruised.


I've thought about finding a different background for Aitvara, but I love how simple her customization is, that I can't bring myself to even change the background right now.


I really like how well Jet's color matches her background. The helmet makes me think of opera though.


Haha, Spritzie, I just clicked your username to go look at Ativara and I forgot that I did and was trying to click the wheel to spin it on your lookup :laughingsmiley:


Awww am I the only one that accepts underscores and numbers, as long as the name makes sense? :laughingsmiley:


I'll admit I was younger when I made my first neopet "Beauty9004" or just Beauty for short since I REALLY wanted that name and just put in random numbers until I could pick it...then it became a little tradition for my first 4 pets to have those same numbers, Beauty9004, Faith9004, Heaven9004, and Ivana9004.


After having those four for a long time, I decided to adopt pets from the pound after the pound reopened and that's when the names got crazy with numbers and underscores like pangy_05_pangy_ xD As long as the name makes sense (ex. some gelert name given to a grundo?) then it's alright x3 I only recently started to get creative with names and are now considered "WN" but still, I love my big family filled with VBM, WN, etc x3


It's not specifically pet names for me. I've always refused to put numbers in my screen names for IMs, email addresses, account names for sites. I just don't like them.


I remember trying to trade my Krawk for a Draik named x_Decadence_x. I loved it. I think the x_ added more to the name, than just Decadence. It all depends, like you said, on the word/name in the names.


I kind of really like the underscore. *points to usernames* just capitalizing the next word sometimes doesn't show up right or mostly I'm just too dumb to read things without the underscore. I need the space to help me read it. I actually think I may be very tiny bit dyslexic if that's possible. I have serious issues with b p d especially.


I like underscores! Its just that on TDN, I can have a display name without underscores.

I agree with Spiritzie, sometimes those additional letters with underscores make the name just that little bit better.


PS. I haven't been here in ages, so hi!


I think underscores are just fine. TNT won't let us use spaces, so underscores substitute well. Some people have two-part names; I wouldn't think that their name is less good than someone with a single name, so why would I discriminate against a pet name with more than one word? I have three permanent pets with underscores: sun_reichardt, Flurry_of_Smoke, and Great_Kauthulhu. One of them was adopted, but the other two, I created myself. I'm not fond of numbers in names, though, since they usually have no meaning to me.


I agree with Masaryk that underscores are good substitutes for spaces. But only if the name makes sense, not if the words are weird and make a weird combination. :yes: I like my names to be capitalized and no underscores/numbers. However, I have been attracted to a few underscore names like Spritzie's x_Decadence_x (well not her's really, but you know.)



There is so much freaking drama going on at my school right now it's not even funny. Apparently one girl started a fight with my friend, and original-girl-Savannah PUSHED down my friend Paityn. Paityn hit her head extremely hard on the ground and is now in the HOSPITAL! :grrr: GOSH this is stupid. *says things in her mind that are not TDN appropriate*


Goodness. I know that, come Monday, this is going to be literally all over the eighth grade, most of seventh, and a few people in sixth. So many people on Facebook are saying "WOO, go Savannah!" and stuff, and meanwhile Paityn's stuck in the hospital. This is outrageous. :grrr:


Now to spend the next three days earning like crazy *nod*


Good luck on the Draik, Anisha. :)


Sorry about your freind, Goldy, that sucks.

Lol, -wasn't aware that sevies and sixth graders paid attention to what happened in older grades-


Good luck on the Draik, Anisha. :)


Sorry about your freind, Goldy, that sucks.

Lol, -wasn't aware that sevies and sixth graders paid attention to what happened in older grades-


Heh, thanks! I'm sure she's getting bombarded with texts, although this happened like two hours ago or more I'm guessing. Oy


lol! I know, right? Drama spreads like wildfire here, it's crazy. Eighth graders befriend seventh graders, sevies befriend sixes... It's crazy :P


Gah, and I haven't gotten any NP earned. FAIL D:


Wow. I feel old. I don't remember drama like this going down until high school.


Wow, that's some hefty drama for middle school o_O When I was in middle school, i generally pretended that the kids around me didn't exist. (well, I still do that xD)





really bad comic but whatever, i made it!! :)


Eighth graders befriend seventh graders, sevies befriend sixes... It's crazy :P


I'm sorry about your friend. :(


Why is it crazy for grades to be friends with other grades? Even if it doesn't happen often, I don't find it crazy. I was friends with kids in other grades all through school. I was just closest with kids from my own grade.


Wow, that's some hefty drama for middle school o_O When I was in middle school, i generally pretended that the kids around me didn't exist. (well, I still do that xD)





really bad comic but whatever, i made it!! :)


That comic is adorable! Congrats on getting the NT. I want to eventually try to get something entered, though I'll write.


Yay for your NT entry. My comic that got into the NT was one I wasn't that crazy over either, but hey, it got it, so yay! Here's one step closer to those avatars!


Also as a side note, drama is stupid. Everybody thinks that are right and thus stupidity befalls us all. (This is not meant as a judgement towards you or your friends, it just astounds me sometimes what humans can think up to do to each other)


People seem to thrive on drama for some reason. I have no idea why.


I think I'm going to paint Aitvara Royal (Girl) next. But I'm trying to figure out how much NP I should have before I paint her. I had planned on just painting her sometime this month, but it'd probably be best to have extra NP afterwards.


Congrats on getting into the NT this week! I enjoyed reading your comic. My continuing series is currently running in the NT right now.


Wow. I feel old. I don't remember drama like this going down until high school.


*pats stream* xD

We are just one year away, well half a year. It seems like kids are reaching high school drama levels and stuff in like, seventh grade.


Wow, that's some hefty drama for middle school o_O When I was in middle school, i generally pretended that the kids around me didn't exist. (well, I still do that xD)





really bad comic but whatever, i made it!! :)


I know, right? I mean, there's been a lot of drama, but I think this is the worst its been. Usually it's just the harmless stuff like "OMG so-and-so broke up with me!" and petty stuff. This is THE most serious thing ever


WOO!! Congrats! *high five*

Psh, that's the best comic I've seen yet!


I'm sorry about your friend. :(


Why is it crazy for grades to be friends with other grades? Even if it doesn't happen often, I don't find it crazy. I was friends with kids in other grades all through school. I was just closest with kids from my own grade.




That comic is adorable! Congrats on getting the NT. I want to eventually try to get something entered, though I'll write..


Thanks <3 I haven't heard back from Kenna, so she hasn't heard back from Paityn yet.. Ugh the grapevine!


Same here. I don't have any friends in seventh and sixth grade, but I like a guy in seventh grade, :* But yeah. The popular kids "bloom" into actually popular in early eventh grade, then they stay that way:P Now people think it's totally taboo to like someone or date someone in the lower grades, but most people have "popular" "friends" in seventh


Yay for your NT entry. My comic that got into the NT was one I wasn't that crazy over either, but hey, it got it, so yay! Here's one step closer to those avatars!


Also as a side note, drama is stupid. Everybody thinks that are right and thus stupidity befalls us all. (This is not meant as a judgement towards you or your friends, it just astounds me sometimes what humans can think up to do to each other)


Mhmm!! :D I'm working on a series for the NT, related to the maraqua plot. I might also try a regular customising article or "series" or whatever they call it. That'd be fun :D


I know, right? Everyone is so sick of it. I was talking to Kenna on IM, and she and I were talking about how horrible it is now, and how we aren't looking forward to high school. Hopefully it'll start to decline in like, Sophomore year at least. Freshman year would be better, heh.


Oh no, it's fine! I totally agree! SOME kids my age do have good heads on their shoulders (my friends and I think myself included) and we don't start that kind of drama, we just try and settle it from the outside. The popular kids think they're so much better than the others, and they just do not care what anyone has to say besides themself :P


ON the bright side.. Dad bought me a 25 NC card! :D Woo!!


Should I get the shenkuu performer SP? for a dezzie draik? AND, I have the five gift boxes.. Should I get the school girl SP and try trading for stuff? Or just go with the stuf fI know I'll use?

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