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Draik Lair


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I must be kind of greedy though...because technically I ALREADY have the neopoints needed to get my draik and paint him...but I'm the kind of person that can't stand being poor again :(


Sooo...I'm trying to keep 10 million at all times with me in the bank and everything after that, is what I have to spend. Currently then I have 5 million towards the draik ^^;


Good luck to all that are trading and earning the neopoints for their draiks! ^_^


@IrishLiz: I know that feeling very well xD Keep trying! You can do it =D

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Spritzie - THATS ME!! :laughingsmiley: And I have found so many people who are interested. So if you have a good pet, it isnt that hard!


Eevee - I think it is great that you dont like being poor. Then you know that you always have np for ANYTHING!


Liz - Ooof I am so sorry! Do you know if they stocked anything good?

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Divya - there were some morphing potions, which I can't seem to get anyways. I just click and grab the first thing I see. That's the only way I manage to get things. I think I've only gotten one UB from the attic out of 56 items total (I've been keeping a list). It's a r93 book, and I haven't been able to sell it.


Eevee - I think I would have to keep at least 5 million if I were going to spend that much, so I can understand. I might be tempted to keep more. Congrats on your saving! I splurged a bit recently and got below 5 mil (which is supposed to be my lowest amount) so I'm trying to get back up.





The last restock on the attic was at 7:46 NST!!! That's 3 hours! whoa. I hope the next one is good. There were a lot yesterday evening so maybe it's evening out.

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Yay for lurkers! I hadn't really had much time to be on TDN last week, so I feel like I missed a lot. Maybe next week will be better.


Incidentally, I did want to comment on the Draik colour conversation. To be honest, I don't like any of the clothed Draik Paint Brush colours. Royal is okay, but I very distictly prefer the Royalgirl to the Royalboy.

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Liz-Wow! 56 items! Not bad...


Meghan - Same! I loveeee Royalgirl (its in my siggy) because I like the color matchiness between the color of the Draik and the clothes.


Eevee - Haha same here. Male Draiks are basically the only male pets I like.


Anisha - I <3 Faerie Draiks! I dont really like Maraquan though because I dont like the mix of colors: white, orange, and purple. :(

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The Maraquan Draik, reminds me more of an Asian type dragon. (Whether it's Chinese or Japanese, I don't remember. I do know there's differences between the two culture's dragons.)


I like the colors, because I think the pink and orange look nice together.


I've mainly focused on looking at the Maraquan, Camo, and Faerie Draiks. I need to peek at the other colors again.

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My dream pet is a Maraquan Shoyru. I love Maraquan pets!


Divya - thanks! I've been working on the attic off and on, hoping to get some good items.


P.S. I'm here at all sorts of different times too. I was gone all day long and just got back to do my dailies before I go to bed.

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Eevee- Now, whenever I eat or see catfish, I shall always think about a Maraquan Draik! Haha.


Spritzie - Another nice color could be Desert. I just dont really like the hat. Or Royal Girl or Boy. :yes:


Liz - I love Maraquan Shoyrus! They are so awesome. But I think that Maraquan Gerlerts are the best Maraquan pet. :D

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Oops forgot about Kougras! I love the colors on the Maraquan Kougra. :wub_anim:


Yes, you probably could. I like the color of the Draik in Desert: it is light brown with bright blue eyes. :wub_anim:

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I love Maraquan Acaras! They are one of my absolute favourite pets. A Mara Acara is my last über-dreamie.

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