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A Wall of Neopian... Stuff.


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Hey all! C: Well, lately I've been on a all-time-high Neopets art crazy.


With the Altador Cup over though instead of drawing Cup players... I'm doing original characters! yaaaay. I've got a sudden interest in character designs so here we go!



This is... Hans Vaksen, From Meridell, nice old guy. I always loved the coloration of the Camouflage Draiks~



And Hanakaoi'elehe.



"Wait, sir, can you repeat that?"

"Oh, of course, I'm Hanakao-"


"Uh- Fine... Ha-na-ka-o'iele-"

"Ka- what?"



"Spell that, please-"

"H, A, N, A-"

"Just the last part-"


"I mean the middle part-"



"Umm, Hanakaoihe-"


"Is there a letter Y in that?"


..."Just call me Niko."


More to come~

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Your designs are amazing! I really love them a lot.

Just looking at them pretty much brings a lot of character. It's like their emotions come out of the picture. At least that's what I saw when I saw your RI Blumaroo. xDD

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*is totally floored* *would be floored again, but that would require going to another floor* Woah. You've got skills, kid. (Or adult. Or teen. Or whatever.)


Curious: What program do you use?

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YOUR ART is so lovely gosh. You are so skilled and so young! You're making me jealous!!

I love your character designs. They're not like... over the top, but they still show personality.

The lines on your latest sketch are really smooth wowow.

I'm curious, too. What program do you use to draw these? Especially the AC ones. I'm in love with how paintery they look.

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That was great. Thanks so much for sharing. I love to see how people draw <3

& Wow. I've been trying really hard to find ways to make the tools in SAI look more paintery. It never crossed my mind to use the brush tool... :V

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Oooo, I really like the Pirate Kawk, I think he's my favorite. Really nice colors and expressions.

Keep it up, these are really great! :)

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I actually did this some time ago! It's on my userlookup but I might as well add it here. c:


Yeah. Elon and some other random Maraquans emerging from a cave after the whirlpool ceased. Let's all go give them a hug. D:





Maraquan Draik sketch. c:

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Woah, scratch that, the Maraquan Draik picture is my favorite. I really, really love the colors. Drawing Maraquan pets is probably fun because of the weight issue, you can draw everything all floaty and pretty in the water and physics can't yell at you. ;P

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