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The Tyrannian Dung Cheese worked much better for me than the Spicy Juppie Cheese on the first time, but not the other two. I always did Dive Left the whole time, and hardly ever got under 60. With the dung chees, I got 57, 66, and 68. Not sure which cheese I'm going to do tomorrow...


I would try not clicking too fast. Usually once I get a good result after clicking I wait a full second then click again. Usually it works well. It might just be completely random though.


I just got the avatar!


I used Spicy Juppie Cheese for 150 NP. I dove left the whole time, and I didn't wait a minute between clicks. It ended in 58 seconds.


I tried your method; the first time i got exactly 60 seconds, but no avatar. the second time i did it in 74. the third, i tried only somersaults and got 88 seconds. they rated me TERRIBLE :)


Congratz, and thanks for sharing your method with us!


The game is driving me nuts... I'm losing so much np!

  • 2 weeks later...

Lucky you....I've yet to get that one. In fact, most of the random avatars hate me. I consider myself fortunate to have a few of the random avies.

  • 1 month later...

This method is wayyy better than my old one. I just tried this 3 times and its been all in the 60 range. I use to get 80+ seconds all the time :x



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