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I can't wait for them to release more pets in woodland - that is a gorgeous colour. They've outdone themselves...


Oh dearest lab ray, won't you give me a woodland pet? Puh-lease? Pretty please? <3


yes i just got one from the person thing who gives u paintbrushes!!!!

Erm, so you have a Woodland paintbrush now? If so, would you be interested in selling it?


love it! love it! love it! Now I can get 4 pets and give them each an element! I love you TNT for woodland!!!!



That is such a great idea!! That would be cool. I don't have NP for that, though lol. Is the Acara the only Woodland color right now?


Is the Acara the only Woodland color right now?


For now, Acara's are the only ones that can be painted Woodland. Soon, others will be added, maybe even the next pet day. (Since Flotsams weren't released for it.)

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