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E3 2010


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E3 is the most exciting week in gaming all year. In this topic we can discuss things that we liked/disliked at E3 and the games that already have you hooked. You can also discuss what you can't wait to see. For example, there is a good chance that the next Legend of Zelda game for Wii will be announced this year. It takes place this year in the week of June 14.


If you don't know what E3 is it's an expo in California, United States with the biggest names in gaming announcing current projects and games that may take years to come out, or sometimes just a couple of months. You can follow E3 on G4 TV, see your local channel list (in my area it's a premium upgrade channel, you may not have it). You can follow announcements with some of the video at G4tv.com


Everything starts off today (Monday) with Electronic Arts (EA) and Ubisoft taking the main stage.

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Yessss, xBox 360 revealed they are releasing Kinect and 15 games to go with it in November...guess what I'm asking Santa for this year? :D



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Darn. I was going to post this. Here's what I want the most from the major companies:


Nintendo: Return of Kirby or Donkey Kong. Or better, elimiate all third party developers that can't make games to save their lives.

Microsoft: The rumored Handheld system. Or the return of Amped Freestyle Snowboarding.

Sony: Either Naughty Dog buys back the rights of Crash Bandicoot, or Isonomic buys back the rights to Spyro. Then make a PS3 exclusive of one of the games and I will automaticly buy a PS3.

Sega: Bring back Jet Set Radio

Ubisoft: I don't know.

Atari: Head back to the console wars and regain your legacy by making a new console.

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Microsoft Kinect sounds very interesting. The only thing that steers me away from Microsoft is that you have to pay for your gamer tag. Twitter users are also saying that there's a new xbox. I'd hold off on that until you know that it doesn't have a contagious red ring of death.


If Nintendo makes another Kirby game, I will be so happy cav. :P

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Twitter users are also saying that there's a new xbox. I'd hold off on that until you know that it doesn't have a contagious red ring of death.


Yup, released to the people in attendance at E3 today - will be shipped to retailers later this week.


I am not a big fan of Microsoft, but when I had to decide between the PS3 and the 360, xBox won. I'll never buy a PS3. :)

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If PS3 had better exclusive titles it would compete better.


Probably a look at Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood tonight with Ubisoft.

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I don't think the wii in general is the best console, but nintendo has great games, smash bros. probably being the top one.


EA conference = BORING

I dunno what kind of messed up 3D glasses they were wearing but I looked at the trailer for Crysis 2 3D with 3D glasses and it barely improved anything.

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My Wiishlist:


A new Pokemon game, similar to Colosseum and XD Darkness

Some sort of Mario Game LIKE NSMBW

Sonic Adventure Battle 3

SB4... or 5, whichever it's on :P Think 5...

Metroid 4



My DS Wishlist:


New Pokemon Generation - CHECK :P

Stop making terrible games out of Terrible, or even good, movies! (for wii too)

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What is SB?


They already announced a new sonic game for 360 that uses Kinect.


Ubisoft has an interesting conference...(AC: B right now, I love the choice of Rome for the new spot...Ezio grew up...a lot o.O)

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ubisoft's is on here I am

what I want

Nintendo: 3DS, THE NEXT ZELDA. And Pikmin 3. And tell us when you'll finally release Other M, it keeps getting delays

Microsoft: No interest

EA: Will watch it later

Ubisoft: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the next Tom Clancy

Sega: I want more info on Sonic Colors

Atari: New console

Sony: surprise me

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I think that the only games that I'm really looking forward to right now are Metroid: Other M and Portal 2.

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lol, this laser tag game looks funny, I don't understand how they expect people to buy that.

Innergy is kinda crazy as well, what is ubisoft thinking?


Joel Mchale is working with a tough audience.

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is anyone else looking forward to Xenoblade for wii?

ghost recon: future soldier looks awesome


I agree, what gives it the extra suspense is the heart beat monitor on the bottom right.


Driver: San Francisco --- exactly what we need, more racing games (sarcasm).


I can't wait for the Sony and nintendo conferences because this kinect looks like the thing to beat. Who knows about playstation move though.


GOLDEN SUN DS!!!!!! I hope there's a trailer tomorrow.

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Okay, I was excited about Kinect until I saw an article about the new "petting zoo" game they're coming out with...


Um yeah, a game where you move your hand around and "pet" virtual animals.


That has to be the dumbest idea for a video game I have ever heard of.


Plus I found a fun new gif. Yay


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I wandered downstairs just in time to catch G4's interview with Nintendo of America's president, and I gotta say, it all looks AWESOME. However, I wish they'd set a tenative 3DS release date. Well, here's hoping it'll be out for Christmas.

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I wandered downstairs just in time to catch G4's interview with Nintendo of America's president, and I gotta say, it all looks AWESOME. However, I wish they'd set a tenative 3DS release date. Well, here's hoping it'll be out for Christmas.


I would guess 3DS won't be out until at least next summer.


Microsoft= kinda good

Nintendo= most epic games ever plus new handheld. To quote Tyler, it's heaven.

Sony: nothing special. LBP2, AC: Brotherhood from Ubisoft only highlights so far.

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