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Despicable Me ?? Anyone have any helpful info?


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I was actually going to post about that. Its another sponsor event like the kraft one or the popsicle or the disrespectoids ones.


So far I've only gotten 4 of the 6 gadgets. One from feeding my pets, one from clicking all the links on the page, one from watching the video and one from clicking on all the people/minions about me pictures. I believe the last two are going to be from the game somehow but more than likely they just aren't working now and my guess would be that the reward will be like 1000np but thats a guess for now on the reward.

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I've just got the message that it's been taken of the site?


I believe that means it's a US only thing. Back when there was a UK only thing, and I tried to view it, I got that response. But I checked the link and I can see it.

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I believe that means it's a US only thing. Back when there was a UK only thing, and I tried to view it, I got that response. But I checked the link and I can see it.


Freaking heck - not again! How long was it UK as I knew nothing about it...

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Freaking heck - not again! How long was it UK as I knew nothing about it...


As far as I know, this was never a UK thing. The one that was, was that movie with Brendan Fraiser. That was a few months ago too.

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Maybe you could contact Neopets and talk them into having some help in the UK? I'd happily be on your side:)

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