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New Wishing Well Avatar!


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Today, the Wishing Well got a make over. With that came the release of this avatar.


How to acheieve it is currently unknown but it is easy to assume that you can get it by having your wish granted from the Wishing Well!


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Interesting, perhaps your wish must be granted for an item above a certain rarity, or you must make a hefty donation?

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I'm reading the boards and someone donated 99,999 and didn't get it :laughingsmiley:

Guess this is a tricky way for TNT to have a NP dump. They did mention they had economical plans.

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I'm reading the boards and someone donated 99,999 and didn't get it laughingsmiley.gif

Guess this is a tricky way for TNT to have a NP dump. They did mention they had economical plans.

That's what I was thinking. They'll need ways of doing this if they raise the trading post limit. smile_anim.gif

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I have won about half a dozen things from the Wishing Well in the past. If that's the condition for getting the avatar, then it's going to get even harder to win something, since more people will be entering a wish every day. And I've been having terrible luck with the Wishing Well lately. I wish that TNT would retroactively award avatars, but that wish will never come true.

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There have been speculations of all sorts going on in the AC... things like putting in a certain amount of NP, asking for a specific wish in the blank, or a combo thereof.... but no one there seems to have discovered it yet.

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Oh I hope it's not random. I'm not one to get excited about avatars, but I really like the look of this one. It's pretty simple and has no random flashing text. Never had anything granted by the well before, though.

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I'll wait til there is a solution before trying to get something :) If it is by getting items (perhaps 50/50 chance you'll get the av?), I would not mind spending some NP. Never won from the wishing well though.

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I have a crazy Idea. What if you had to wish for the Avatar? It's highly unlikely that's how you get it but it's still possible. I just like to think outside the box.

A few people also tried that on the board, no avatar.

Other things tried were sending three wishes, and items above a certain rarity. No luck so far. Will be exciting when it's found tho lol :yes:

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Yes the wishing well avatar is going to be our new Bonju. Frustrating as it is, I actually missed that :)


I was telling one of my friends about how the well was going to be our new Bonju.

I'm just going to sit back, and wait for it.

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i just if i want something i just make it a lil cheaper

say i want a grand lighning beam

99,999np(real price)

but then i put it 89999np then i would get it so i saved 10ku can have only 10% below anything under 1mil

but if you want to get something get something cheap

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Congratulations! Your wish has really come true! That donation of 50 NeoPoints you made to the Neopian Wishing

Well was worth it, because you have been granted the following item : Snorkle Snout . It will be in your inventory when you go to

Neopets next. Thanks a lot, and hope to see you soon! The Neopets Team


No avatar though. A good item though....

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I've been tearing my hair out along with a bunch of other people on the neoboards. We've been trying all sorts of things with the Wishing Well TCG, the island krawk avvie, the stamp... Blah. This is getting painful. Have the new books been released yet?



Edit: Congrats on getting your wish granted! Once again, that just proves that that's not how to get the avatar. D=

I would also like to add a link to this petpage, which has tested theories and a few links. Yet another petpage here!

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I'm looking forward to seeing what this avvie requires, though like some other people I plan to wait until the way to get it is confirmed. :D I've never had luck at the wishing well in all the years I've been at neopets though, so I really hope it's not a random avatar. xD

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