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<p>Disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).


<i>Due to a broken receiver, our transmission has been lost and we have no contact with today’s reporter, BJ. Luckily, the receiver was able to pick up the closest news transmission.</i>


They told me to broadcast through channel 23 to avoid getting in trouble again, but this first channel seems to be working! And they told me never to come back again! It’s a good thing I know they're sarcastic. It’s Noog here, and I got all the latest info on the Matador Cup! Wait what? Oh sorry, the <i>Altador Cup</i>. According to all the people around here it looks like a lot of stuff has happened. Let’s get closer, but avoid the security guard, I’m not allowed to report in all Neopian districts except Geraptiku. They like my awesome car...but everywhere else...<i>motorcycles</i>. They be hatin’ me.


<img src="http://www.thedailyneopets.com/uploads/articles/neopetsevents/altadorcup/maraqua.png" style="float:right;margin:5px;"> So I’m getting wet here at Maraqua, but I might be reading the sign wrong. I forgot my goggles...Let’s see if I can find someone to tell me what’s going on. That big building looks nice. Let us see what wonders lie within! I’m here at...somewhere. It stinks really badly, like bad fish, sweat, and that one time when I ate those burritos from Tyrannia. The sign to my left says “Locker Room”. Those people over there look important! What’s your name?


“They call me The Black Hole; I’m a forward for the Yooyuball team.” Mmhmm, and did you win? “No, we drew against the Natives, and in Make some Noise too, but we won the other side games.” I see. “Why do you have all of those wires?” Oh, that’s my broadcasting equipment; it’s cheap to go corded. “Oh....Your stuff just shocked that other reporter! Isn’t that BlackJaguar from The Daily Neopets?!” I think I need to go, and fix that huge hole in these wires. This might make the guards catch me.


Okay, I’m out of the building and HEY A NEWSPAPER. It has some more information about this Altador Cup thing. According to this, the Mummies and the Robots each got sweeps, against the Zombies and Faeries respectively. They swept? I thought this was a competition, not a cleaning service...I’m hungry. It’s a good thing that I keep cookies handy all the time. They look kinda stale though.


<img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/head_shots/darigancitadel_1.gif" style="float:left;margin:5px;"> Let’s see, if I can just dig around and find that satellite television that I have somewhere in my bags. The signal isn’t good...it looks like they had two teams, I can’t quite hear though. Minions, and Chillers from...PANCAKE MOUNTAIN? WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN INVITED? Oh wait, that’s Terror Mountain. Wasn’t I there before? I didn’t see any pancakes. The pancakes are a lie! Also, the Minions won at Yooyuball, but drew at that slushie game, and lost in the others. Maybe I can get a slushie instead...


I’ve walked onto land, and I seem to be somewhere with lots of knights and this big castle thingy. Meridell? Hmm, this scoreboard shows that they won Yooyuball and lost two side games. They drew with the Pirates at Slushie Slinger. Oooh, pirates. I wonder if they ARR doing well? Haha, maybe they should get in gear before they <i>walk the plank</i>.


Oh hey random trash on the ground! I need to unfold it and see what it says. It reads “Brightvale for the Cup! We may have only won Yooyuball but don’t count us out yet. The Wizards will not be held back!” I wonder who beat them in all of the side games like that. They must be good.


Finally! A news kiosk where I can get the rest of my information from. Man, it’s hard to report when the Neopets Communications Commission watches you constantly. According to this paper, there were three more matchups. The Magmas and the Suns were able to draw in their matches against the Moons and the Ninjas, but lost all of their other events. It looks like these teams are out to a bad start this year. The last match, which was between the Roos and the Kikos. The Kikos managed a win at slinging slushies, but they lost out to the Roos in the other events.




As for tomorrow, if I don’t die of starvation, I might be able to report on some interesting matchups, including what looks like important ones between the Minions and Robots, the Moons and the Mummies, along with the Fossils and the Mermaids. Another interesting one looks like the slow starting Ninjas against the Knights. Tomorrow is sure to be awesome!


This is Noog signing out; your number one amateur reporter! Oh no, it’s the radio police! I knew I shouldn’t be doing a public broadcast in these parts. You’ll never catch me if I throw all of my cookies at you haha you’ll never get me...


<i>*Transmission Lost*</i></p>


“They call me The Black Hole; I’m a forward for the Yooyuball team.” Mmhmm, and did you win? “No, we drew against the Natives, and in Make some Noise too, but we won the other side games.” I see. “Why do you have all of those wires?” Oh, that’s my broadcasting equipment; it’s cheap to go corded. “Oh....Your stuff just shocked that other reporter! Isn’t that BlackJaguar from The Daily Neopets?!” I think I need to go, and fix that huge hole in these wires. This might make the guards catch me.


Surprise, he wasn't taken away by Dorina. I see some sort of romance. If I'm right (and I'm pretty sure I am) someone give me a cookie.






Let's see *looks at results*: L/D/L/L


Well, that's a common sight. :sad01_anim:


Meh, at least it wasn't a TOTAL loss.


Let's see *looks at results*: L/D/L/L


Well, that's a common sight. :sad01_anim:


Meh, at least it wasn't a TOTAL loss.




Man, I love the way Noog reports. It's stupid... but in a good way!! Pancake mountain! :ohno: lol


Anyways, at least Maraqua got the win over Mystery Island. Otherwise we could've been going done the leaderboard :crying: But instead, per neopets, we are in... 7th place! :king: No offense to TDN, but I usually rely on their standings a little more often that yall's. But I compare 'em! Dont feel bad. :whistle:


Now let's go beat Tyrannia. Time to go PIRANHA!! :yes:




I wouldn't count out kiko lake just yet.


Thanks for the positive critique everyone :)


I've been to tha pancake mountain place. Saw the Waiffle tower, saw the statue of syruperty. Gotta a nice bobblehead from the soveneir shop too. ;)



Anyway, i'm disapointed about the results, they knocked us away from where we were at 4th yesterday. D:


YAY! The Wave pushed the Island!!!


Noog sure is lucky with finding news :O


Dorina hates Elon. I see no romance or maybe a Ash/Misty thing. You never know ;)


I've been to tha pancake mountain place. Saw the Waiffle tower, saw the statue of syruperty. Gotta a nice bobblehead from the soveneir shop too. ;)


Can you give me directions?


Dorina hates Elon. I see no romance or maybe a Ash/Misty thing. You never know ;)


You sure? Cause the last 2 reports both show him getting dragged away by Dorina, showing something. Not an Ash/Misty thing, but maybe a Han Solo/Leia Skywalker kind of thing.


I'm such a Star Wars geek...


love the report. Pancake Mountain, that brings memories <3

anyway, yay for a victory

Selling my soul to Mirsha was the best decision I ever made :woot:


I'm glad we got a sweep! Far more concerned about today though!


I'm glad we got a sweep! Far more concerned about today though!


You can say that again! I just got home from being gone all day, and when I saw Kreludor I'm like "There goes our streak darn it!" I only have three hours to play today and then I have to leave the house again too. I need to support the team more than ever today :ohno: *starts sending scores like crazy*


You can say that again! I just got home from being gone all day, and when I saw Kreludor I'm like "There goes our streak darn it!" I only have three hours to play today and then I have to leave the house again too. I need to support the team more than ever today :ohno: *starts sending scores like crazy*


Todays the first work day that I've played madly! Normally I'd have been in bed 3 hours ago! Instead I've been playing like mad...I've been trying to play the mini games, as I think thats where we are going to struggle but SS and MSN drive me mad!


Todays the first work day that I've played madly! Normally I'd have been in bed 3 hours ago! Instead I've been playing like mad...I've been trying to play the mini games, as I think thats where we are going to struggle but SS and MSN drive me mad!

I am not much of a frequent player, i normally just play every thing 5 times, and then leave. I don't get too obsessed.


:yes:Yes, finally a victory to RI, beating KL with 3 wins and 1 lose. Hope that we could beat FL with a clean sweep. And now I really must play Slushie Slinger so that FL won't stand a chance againts us. :yes: :D


Yooyuball:101 Slushie Slinger:13 Make Some Noice:35 Shootout Showdown:355


Selling my soul to Mirsha was the best decision I ever made :woot:


Is it Tyler? Is it? Or is your mind so twisted that you believe you sold your soul to Mirsha when in reality, you sold my soul, and you're simply a pet to Mirsha, but I'm safe in the kingdom next to her now watching Black Hole hold the AC championship?


I think I shared too much...


Anyways, at least Maraqua got the win over Mystery Island. Otherwise we could've been going done the leaderboard :crying: But instead, per neopets, we are in... 7th place! :king: No offense to TDN, but I usually rely on their standings a little more often that yall's. But I compare 'em! Dont feel bad. :whistle:

Our current standings weights are still the same as last year's, from back when TNT ordered teams randomly in their standings and didn't reveal the actual leaderboard. We're in the process of updating our weights to reflect the new data from this year. :yes:


Surprise, he wasn't taken away by Dorina. I see some sort of romance. If I'm right (and I'm pretty sure I am) someone give me a cookie.

Dorina hates Elon. I see no romance or maybe a Ash/Misty thing. You never know ;)

You sure? Cause the last 2 reports both show him getting dragged away by Dorina, showing something. Not an Ash/Misty thing, but maybe a Han Solo/Leia Skywalker kind of thing.


I'm such a Star Wars geek...

Elon is a talented player and a very capable team captain, but he's a bit of a prick at times and needs Dorina to keep him in check - she's become pretty good at spotting when he's about to make a fool of himself and dragging him off before he gets the chance. :P As for romance, well, that's outside our scope for now. xD


You'll see a little more of this stuff in our upcoming interview. ;)

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