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I've just started to get into Key Quest again and I have been really enjoying it. I've also been very lucky until now that I haven't had any quitters. But the last game annoyed me massively. It could have gone either way - I hoped I'd win, but I wasn't sure, it depended on the roll of the dice and the items picked up. But no, the other person quits. I'm quite happy with silver and a good game, why aren't other people!? GRRRRRR!


Now that I've finished ranting, anyone else annoyed massively by this???????

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Yes! It drives me nuts. That and how badly mini-games lag for me are the main reasons I don't play keyquest very often. If it was faster and there were fewer quitters, or maybe you got an automatic win and therefore a key if someone else quit, I might play more.

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Yes! It drives me nuts. That and how badly mini-games lag for me are the main reasons I don't play keyquest very often. If it was faster and there were fewer quitters, or maybe you got an automatic win and therefore a key if someone else quit, I might play more.


I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! It's just so annoying and sends me round the bend. It would help if it was a reportable offence. Instead I have to be happy sending a very polite neomail inquiring whether as to whether their computer quit or they did, and if they did then why as both gold and silver give good prizes. My blood is still boiling even after winning another game against a different player!


EDIT: SECOND TIME TODAY FOR FREAKS SAKE. I've wandered out of KQ til tomorrow because otherwise I will just throw a hissy fit at it which will probs end with my comp being thrown across the room.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! It's just so annoying and sends me round the bend. It would help if it was a reportable offence. Instead I have to be happy sending a very polite neomail inquiring whether as to whether their computer quit or they did, and if they did then why as both gold and silver give good prizes. My blood is still boiling even after winning another game against a different player!


EDIT: SECOND TIME TODAY FOR FREAKS SAKE. I've wandered out of KQ til tomorrow because otherwise I will just throw a hissy fit at it which will probs end with my comp being thrown across the room.


I had it happen 4 out of 5 games one day, and didn't really play after that.


Wow, you sent neomails? I've never done that.

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I know there's another topic for this but I promise I won't quite if I'm around and you want to play against me I'd be up for it. I don't really know how to invite someone to play though so hopefully I won't mess up in the attempt to accept the game if anyone is interested. Also I guess I have been pretty lucky because I haven't had that many quiters in the games that I have played.

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I have had a ton of people quit on me. What i started to do was put their neo name in my google bar off to the side of the address bar. If they quit and it is an obvious, i am loosing i will quit now i just block them. Or just say hi every time and make sure they say something because if you click on it you can block people. That way if you ever run into them again the name will show up black when you say hi and you know just run now. I now have list of like 15 people i have blocked. I just find it so rude to waste 20 minutes of someone elses time because you are only going to get a silver key. Give me a break now no one gets any prizes or any of the points they earned. I haven't played in awhile, I really haven't had the time but it is a great way of earning np.

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Wow, you sent neomails? I've never done that.


Yep, my only issue is that because it neopets I have to be uber polite so I don't get banned. But it still makes me feel slightly better and possibly gets the point across! I take down the username of each player just in case! My message is more or less (depending on circumstances):


"I was just wondering whether you quit or whether your computer went glitchy? If it is the latter I fully understand, but I was wondering if it's the former why? We had an equal chance, and even if we didn't silver was the worst reward that either of us could have gained."


Then I wait for a response.


I know there's another topic for this but I promise I won't quite if I'm around and you want to play against me I'd be up for it. I don't really know how to invite someone to play though so hopefully I won't mess up in the attempt to accept the game if anyone is interested. Also I guess I have been pretty lucky because I haven't had that many quiters in the games that I have played.


If you're on when I'm on then I'll quite happily be up for a game as I am quite happy with a silver! However, i also don't know how to invite people...


I have had a ton of people quit on me. What i started to do was put their neo name in my google bar off to the side of the address bar. If they quit and it is an obvious, i am loosing i will quit now i just block them. Or just say hi every time and make sure they say something because if you click on it you can block people. That way if you ever run into them again the name will show up black when you say hi and you know just run now. I now have list of like 15 people i have blocked. I just find it so rude to waste 20 minutes of someone elses time because you are only going to get a silver key. Give me a break now no one gets any prizes or any of the points they earned. I haven't played in awhile, I really haven't had the time but it is a great way of earning np.


I do take every name down I play just in case, but I never realised you could actually block them! I've got to try that in future!

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I really don't understand why people would quite if they are going to get silver because just because you get the key doesn't mean you have to use it. You can only cash in on 10 a day but you can earn as many as you want. I suppose its just vindictive of them not wanting the other person to get a gold.

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I really don't understand why people would quite if they are going to get silver because just because you get the key doesn't mean you have to use it. You can only cash in on 10 a day but you can earn as many as you want. I suppose its just vindictive of them not wanting the other person to get a gold.


Particularly as they would get the np anyway - which I find is between 700-1500np and possibly more. But it's annoying because the prizes for silver aren't bad considering you usually get a codestone! Granted gold is better, but we can't win all the time! (Coming from someone who has 8 golds and about 24 silvers!)

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Yeah, it's so infuriating seeing as how a game usually takes a fair bit of time when compared to some of the Flash games.


I don't quite get it when people rage-quit either; that's just a little childish if you ask me. You still get items and NP regardless of what key you get so eh. I dunno.. maybe some people are just sore losers :/

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Wow! Glad I'm not the only one!! It seems to me that I am allowed to finish a game only if the other person I'm playing with wins! So, all I end up with is a whole bunch of Silver keys and only a couple of Gold ones (I only play 2 player games coz they're usually quick). I've stopped playing now because it just gets too frustrating...

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I don't play Key Quest, but I've played many other games (Mario Kart) in which that the person quits, which is basicly saying that their sore losers.


So don't feel too bad, because that means they knew they were going to lose.

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I hardly ever get to play Key Quest anymore, because it won't even load for me most of the time. Whenever I do get it to load, I'll only play with people I know. It's just more fun that way.

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I don't play Key Quest, but I've played many other games (Mario Kart) in which that the person quits, which is basicly saying that their sore losers.


So don't feel too bad, because that means they knew they were going to lose.


Yeah but you can still win if people quit in Mario Kart, or Super Smash for that matter. I usually play with the computer players though. :laughingsmiley:


That's what they need! Computer players for KeyQuest!

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I used to neomail people that quit (I played KQ like a MADMAN) and they always told me to either stop being a baby or that it's not a big deal so stop whining, etc. It ended up making me even MORE mad and I just said forget it, it's not worth it to drag it out. They quit and they suck, I put them on a list I keep so I don't ever play with them again.

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I used to neomail people that quit (I played KQ like a MADMAN) and they always told me to either stop being a baby or that it's not a big deal so stop whining, etc. It ended up making me even MORE mad and I just said forget it, it's not worth it to drag it out. They quit and they suck, I put them on a list I keep so I don't ever play with them again.


I hate it when people quit, especially when it's one away from the door, but I try and cut some slack, given I've had to quit a couple times due to mini games just not starting on my computer, therefore locking my whole browser. And when I try to neomail people, ninety percent of the time, they turn out to minors. And I completely understood the poor person that quit when their token fell off the board, I'm sure they thought there was something wrong.

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Haha, I find it hilarious when then game glitches and someone's token gets moved like into outer-space/off the board. Especially when they roll next, I never know how in the world it counts blocks for them. One time I saw someone's token move like 15 spaces when the rolled a two when they were stuck off the board.

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Haha, I find it hilarious when then game glitches and someone's token gets moved like into outer-space/off the board. Especially when they roll next, I never know how in the world it counts blocks for them. One time I saw someone's token move like 15 spaces when the rolled a two when they were stuck off the board.


I've seen that before too! I was laughing - it was pretty funny. I have no idea how the tokens got back on, or why they returned to certain spaces.

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I don't quit unless I get disconnected xD But if that happens I will Neomail the other person to explain what happened. I use to Neomail those who quit on me to ask politely why they quit and got back very rude and at times infuriating responses so I stopped doing that. xD

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