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Neopets Dreams


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So yeah, on other game-related and movie-related forums we have topics like this, thought I'd start one for Neopets.


So which one of you has once dreamt of neopets, in any way at all.


I think last night I dreamt I had a strawberry kougra, I was all happy! But then I realized it was iriskuppen (My pirate kougra) who had turned strawberry, and I got all sad.


I only realized I had dreamt this once I saw iriskuppen as a pirate again, phew.

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I remember one time I was so determined to get a baby paintbrush and I only had 100,00np more to earn.I went to bed and dreamed I got it! but then I woke up and I still beleived it.I was sad when I discoverd it was too good to be true!

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Once I dreamed that I had 400 mil nps in my bank. I woke up with this list in my head of what I should buy. Then when I got on the computer I was sooooooooooo close to crying it wasnt even funny because I have about 1 mil in the bank right now! :crying: :laughingsmiley:

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Once I dreamed that I had 400 mil nps in my bank. I woke up with this list in my head of what I should buy. Then when I got on the computer I was sooooooooooo close to crying it wasnt even funny because I have about 1 mil in the bank right now! :crying: :laughingsmiley:

I know the feeling, sad, isn't it? :P


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Sorry, I was debating whether to put it here or there.


I've never dreamed of Neo. My dreams are always nightmares, bad nightmares...and I haven't had any for 3 years, which means I haven't had a dream in 3 years.

Scientists say you dream every night. I guess you just don't remember any dreams. That's different :)

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I have dreamed about Neopets on more than one occasion, but I can't remember any of those dreams anymore.

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I had a dream I got the fairy bubbles avatar after months of trying, and then, in my dream, I remembered I didn't have it. I woke up all shaky and crying - my boyfriend thought I'd had nightmare... I made him stay up with me and get my hotchocolate before I told him what it was about :P The next night I actually got it. It was a good 24 hours...


And yes, you do dream up nearly over 100 times a night in a 8 hour session, but only during REM sleep, which happens about 4 hours after initial sleep. Ah, I love biological rhythms :D

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I've dreamed of neopets more times than I care to mention! I can't actually remember any of them, but it's usually when I am desperately working for something like a PB or an avatar! Most of them seem to be happy comforting dreams though!


Oh, actually, I do remember one recent one but it freaked me out - my Lupe had been kidnapped by someone just after I'd painted him royal (which I haven't actually done yet - working towards it!) and I was frantic!

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I've had sevral NeoPets dreams. I once dreamt that I found a Maraquan Paint Brush for my Gelert, Untold_Through_Time and then I found an Underwater Background. I was so excited! And then I checked and she was just blue. The Maraquan gelert is my favorite Pet too. :'(

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I had a dream one night that someone hacked into my account and stole all of my neopoints. It was scary until I logged in and found it was not real. But, the ironic and really creepy thing was that a few weeks later I received a "Something has happened!" that said someone stole all my neopoints, all my pets were sick, etc. but "that it was all a dream" so weird!

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I had a dream last night that there was a ghost baby blu outside and I had to identify it. It was kind of like a combination of a scoby doo type mystery with neopets instead of the usual monsters.

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Gosh! I had a dream last night that I got into a fight with Tarla (like fisty cuffs kind of fight), but then we found out it was acutally dr. sloth controlling her, as he wanted us all looking for Tarla instead of looking out of him, and he took over TNT! Then all the "neopian baddies" came and over through him (all the people from the haunted woods bit of Neoquest II), and Judora was there and kept saying "Well, I'm a dark fairy, but not an evil fairy (a line from one of the NPC's at the end of NQII)...


I think it has something to do with the fact I just finished neoquest II lol... Maybe I've played it a little too much.

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Weird...now that you mention it Ive never dreamed of anything neopet related! last night i dreamed that a zombie was looking at me through a glass though... shivers*

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Ohhh a long time ago I posted a thread like this here on TDN! I don't remember what my dream was about, though. :( I know I dream about Neopets sometimes, it's so fun. <3

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I had a dream last night that I got three avatars in one day. I was really excited about it in my dream, because I've hit a bit of a plateau with earning avatars. I'm going to have to work really hard at the last 15 game avatars I need (or get really lucky). One of the avatars I got in my dream was Turmy, which I've been trying pretty hard to get for months, so I was a bit upset that it was just a dream.

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