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I know Iam out of topic here but Iam looking for a cherika speling not sure lol I have soul sliver and dont know how too do the frend trade thing any whays a have quite a bit of shinys that would trade for one. But frist I need to get wifi frist so I can trade ill find out my frend code and post it just incase anyone whants to trade

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A.... Chikorita? That's the most I can make of that.... Not that I have one.


Oh, the first Best Wishes is out? I need to look that up after MEK (anime club), been wanting to watch it.


Yay, Pokemon's out so it's much closer for the release in the US, and then NZ!


I find this way too entertaining....




So, on Wonder Bridge, there's a guy that'll sell you a rare Pokemon for 500 Pokedollars or whatever the currency is. Yes, the Magikarp guy. And his wares haven't changed- but this time, Magikarp IS rare. They're not avalible in the wild in Isshu.




I can't possible be the only one that got a crack out of that.




<br><br><strike>Ok, people who want Chikorita, PM me so I know how many eggs to start hatching :K</strike>  Oh, wait, I don't have Wi-Fi D= But... hmmm.... I'll see what  can do, but it could take a long while D=<strike><br></strike>





So, on Wonder Bridge, there's a guy that'll sell you a rare Pokemon for 500 Pokedollars or whatever the currency is. Yes, the Magikarp guy. And his wares haven't changed- but this time, Magikarp IS rare. They're not avalible in the wild in Isshu.





So the new region's name is Isshu?

Magikarp is RARE, that's a first!


thank you _Blue_ for that I can walk to the burgerking down the street from me and I can conect to the wifi there let me know when I can have the Chikorita so I can walk there oh wait I have to get my frend code frist I belive right ill have to go there frist and then post my frend code lol :P


@Zakuro - Maybe this will help: http://community.liv...ifi/652371.html It even has pictures :O




THANK GO! My dad has WiFi, in his office, but he can bring it home, but that caused issues, but we'll try again! So yes...


OhMyGoodNess :crying: My Haunter I put in the GTS as a joke to sort of evolve it last week actually got trade =[ I asked for a Level 100 Haunter just as a joke. Now my Void is gone =[ And I only wanted Wi-Fi to get it back. Now I'm stuck ith a level 100 Gengar. Might not sound so bad, but it's probably hacked =[ I feel really sad right now. I'll just have to recreate Void :K


I put it in the GTS, then intended on sucessfully trading another pet, so that when I withdrew my Haunter, it would evolve. I didn't expect it to get traded >!< Though it's been over, no, exactly a week now that it's been in the GTS :( It's got good moves, awesome stats as well. But it's not caught in a PokeBall. It's "Apparently met at Lv. 13" in the Old Chateu. It has a Sinnoh Champ Badge. Ok, this Pokemon is pretty awesome. But I cans't use it porque all mi Pokemon are still in level 25s and higher.



AttK: 160

Def: 184

Sp.Atk: 320 =o

Sp.Def: 144

Speed: 259 =D


I'll just box it until mine reach level 100, eventually. Now I need to find a replacement, I guess I could re-create void, but that'll be a waste of Pokemon D= Now who's going to carry my Posion, Ghost, Psychic moves and my Mean Look. Ah, Golbat! But it's part Flying, I have Spearow, *checks move-set*


Also, I totally planned my team to have an attack move of each Pokemon type. See the attached Spoiler Tag 0:) Oh, I need to reconsider, I need a Psychic move holder. Or it learns Zen Headbutt. It'll have to be that :|




Meganium @Level 32


· Synthesis


· Earthquake (Victory Road)


· Sunny Day (Radio Tower)


· Solar Beam (Level 66)


Poliwrath @Water Stone (Route 42 rematch FishermanTully or Marill Mt. Mortar)


· Hypnosis


· Surf


· Ice Beam (Game Corner TM13)


· Dynamic Punch (Level 43)


Growlithe @Level 42 evolve


· Flamethrower (Level 34)


· Dig (National Park)


· Iron Tail (Defeat Jasmine)


· Crunch (Level 42)




· Mean Look


· Shadow Ball (Level 33)


· Psychic (Customise or wait Post-E4)


· Sludge Bomb (Route 43 TM36)




· Fly


· Roost (Level 41)


· Drill Peck (Route 28 – TM47)


· Giga Impact (Customise or wait Post-E4)




· Discharge (Level 34)


· Signal Beam (Level 42)


· Power Gem (Level 59)


· Outrage (Customise or wait Post-E4)


Note: Customise is only 'coz they learn the move anyway, why wait so long for it then? :evil:




I speak type a lot :yes:


PS. Regarding the Chikorita, things aren't going... as planned.

PPS. You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message Okidokey.


@Zakuro - Maybe this will help: http://community.liv...ifi/652371.html It even has pictures :O


Thanks @Blue! Now all I need to do is search through my Key Items to find my Pal Pad *goes off on an epic search* :cowboy:


Of course Pokemon Ranger, what else would it be? XD


The second is better than the first in terms of mechanics and length. I think the 3rd is even better mechanics wise.


No. I have the first Pokemon Ranger, and I didn't like it. So I didn't bother with the 2nd, nor will I bother with this one.


I found Pokemon Ranger really weird and boring, obviously not as good as D/P, Heart Gold with that kind of storyline and layout.


I've always enjoyed the spin offs. I like getting a different view of the same world, it makes for a refreshing change. Of course, that's just me. ...ok, and I find looping things like crazy extremely entertaining. Must be the fact that I'm in full control of catching it. No luck needed as you sit there and hope the ball works.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was definitely different. Playing as a Pokemon just changed up the whole play as a person layout.


I would play the newer pokemon rangers if there was any benefit, like manaphy in the first one.


There is. You could get one in Ranger 2 as well, via a downloaded mission. It's not still running though. There was also a download mission that let you get a Riolu and a Darkrai that you could transfer as well.


Let's see... Ranger 3 has multiplayer and single player downloadable missions. The multi one is for Deoxys, and there's also Manaphy Egg, Heatran and Shaymin ones. With those, you can transfer the Pokemon to 4th gen games (DPPt and HGSS). And then in-game only Giratina and Arceus ones to match up with the in-game only Dialga and Palkia ones for Ranger 2.

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