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Trade question


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I don't know if I can ask here, but I'm really in a hurry, and it says "Neopets Help" so I'll just do it. :rolleyes_anim:

So I've looked around neopets and a little around google, but I didn't find anything helpful about Lost Desert 2.2 WC Piece's price.

I am interested in this, because I've got a trade: 3 ten dubloon coins. Someone offered me Lost Desert 2.2 WC Piece for the dubloons. And I don't know if I should accept or not..

What would you do?

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This is how I would do this.


I would search the item on the Trading Post, to see what others are asking for it, to see what it's worth. Then I would check the value of the Ten Dubloon, to see if 3 of them, would be a reasonable offer for the trade.


EDIT: That map piece is going for 30,000np and up. Ten Dubloon Coins are going for about 11,300np each.

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On the Trading Post I found only one trade with Lost Desert 2.2 WC Piece. And the person wished for other pieces of the same map.

So it's not too reasonable.

Thanks ^^


The reason there weren't more, is they're priced low enough to be in shops. So check the Shop Wizard.

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The best way that i have found is if someone can offer an item they can sell it and give you the pure if it really is worth what your item is worth. Go with the pure always that way you know you getting what the item is worth.

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I didn't know if I should ask this here or make a new thread but I have a few questions about trading. Since the original question has been answered I thought it would be alright to ask here instead of making a new topic. I don't mind talking through neomails if that's better or here if it's fine. Sorry if I should make a new topic instead!

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I didn't know if I should ask this here or make a new thread but I have a few questions about trading. Since the original question has been answered I thought it would be alright to ask here instead of making a new topic. I don't mind talking through neomails if that's better or here if it's fine. Sorry if I should make a new topic instead!


You're better making you're own thread. No one minds. If anything it confuses everything less if members are answering one question per thread!


This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Crusher).

The original topic had been answered. Thanks for asking Crail, I'd recommend a new topic in this forum. If anyone wants further discussion of the original topic, as always, just message me for a reopen.

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