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April Fools Avatar...


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I know you can get an avatar by checking the new features page after the april fools joke has been taken down... only, I can't seem to be able to get it? I checked at midnight NST (ergh... that was early...) but nothing, then around 2am... now I've just checked and still nothing! Have I missed it? Or am I not doing something right?... (I've checked my neoboards prefrences and its not in there so I know I don't have it...)


Thanks ^_^

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I'm just wondering if we missed it or something...


I don't really look at the news page, ever. But, does the fact that they had April 2nd news posted up already yesterday mean that they kinda skipped over April 1st? or is it always a day ahead?




<---- Look, I'm a "Cool Person" now xD *happy dance*

Edited by shadows4fairy
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i've heard reports that it didn't become active until even as late as april 4th in previous years. i just keep checking every couple of hours and hoping it'll appear.


if anyone gets it, please, let us know here! i'll certainly post if/when i get it.

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i've heard reports that it didn't become active until even as late as april 4th in previous years. i just keep checking every couple of hours and hoping it'll appear.


if anyone gets it, please, let us know here! i'll certainly post if/when i get it.


Wow. :O


at least now I know we didn't miss it ^_^


I'll post when i see it too.

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I just checked again, and I'm unable to get it. Could it be due to the fact that my "Kau" is *still* showing up as a Speckled Usul?


Or do you have to refresh at the News page? (I saw that on one site's avatar guide)


EDIT: I really need more sleep. I decided to look over my avatar list on Neopets, and sure enough, I already had the April Fools one, I just forgot I had it. :laughingsmiley:

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Yep, I've also got it after obsessively refreshing the news page for ages in case I missed it!




I was still panicking when I thought... You know what... I should check and make sure I don't already have it. And sure enough... I already had it. lol

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