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Vaccinated Jedi

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There are a lot of neopets copies, like MoshiMonsters, this, Icepets, etc. I dont think any of them are nearly as good as neo (no offense to Lurapets and etc.) :)

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I've been playing neopets for such a long time now, that I even don't want to try an other pet site. If I would do that, it would feel, like, I betray neopets or something, if you know what I mean. I have stuck with neopets for too long, I guess. Now I don't want something else anymore. ^_^

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Yeah, there are so many pet sites out there now. However, neo will always remain a favourite just because it was one of the first ones. Although, I have to say I kinda like Powerpets as well! Anyone play that~? ;3

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I've been playing neopets for such a long time now, that I even don't want to try an other pet site. If I would do that, it would feel, like, I betray neopets or something, if you know what I mean. I have stuck with neopets for too long, I guess. Now I don't want something else anymore. ^_^

I know right. even though Neo betrayed me, I'm stuck to them somehow, must be the people, not the site itself jealous.gif

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Neopets is sort of the god of the virtual pet site niche industry. They started it all. The smaller pet sites around the net are more for those who want to slow down, and settle in with a smaller community where they actually matter. Neopets has become very corporate, which isn't really a bad thing because that way they have the funds to accomplish pretty much anything. But when corporate, it's near impossible to provide the users with what they want as every action has to go through the approval (or disapproval) of many corporate employees. Some enjoy being able to a play a similar game, although less developed, where their word matters.

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I might look it up eventually but I already spend far too much time on the internet and so don't want to get addicted to anything else! It will consume my life, I'm only just getting over Farmville!

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