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Silly question but...


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I'm thinking of making my petpage into a "top 20 easy gaming avatars and how to get them", but... just to make sure...


It's not a freezable offence to post the solutions to hidden avatars, is it? And nothing about the above title is freezable? I'm just making sure - always scared I'll be frozen now my account is remotely good lol

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Better safe than sorry, right? In any case, you calling it an "issue" in your last post made me think it was going to be a NT article. :X You could probably submit it as an article too. n_n But yeah, I'm sure everyone is eager to see your petpage! Be sure to share it with us.

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I see pages like that very often! I think you'll be fine, and please make that guide I'm really bad at getting game avatas I wish I knew a way to get some of them avvies. Let us know when you make it!

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I think you'll be ok, I've seen much "worse" pages for Neopets, such as a dailies page, giving tips I've only seen on here before, even some I haven't.


*Gets ready for flaming* And guys, I have a confession to make. *gasp* I'm actually not much of an Avvie collector. :O!

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tut tut lol. Well, a little nervous and under pressure now lol! I'm trying to wait until I can get my hands on my old copy of dreamweaver (its around here somewhere... Under the socks? No...hmm...) until I start to do the bulk of it. When I've got it up and running, I'll post a link on here :)


Thanks for all the support! Didn't think anybody would be that bothered! :D

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