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Faerie quest


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I just got a light faerie quest. Sounds awesome right well the only problem is one of my pets i am trying to even out stats right now and if he goes up one level then it will cost another codestone. Should i risk it and do the quest anyways in hopes that she will raise the level of one of my other pets or should i say i don't want to do it. I haven't had one in awhile so I haven't had to worry about this for awhile. Any input would be awesome. Also do they normally bless the strongest or one of the weaker pets or is it random?

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I believe it's random. Personally, I would go ahead and do it. But also, I have a stockpile of Codestones that I've been saving for months. If you want to go for it, I seem to get most of my Codestone RE's while playing Pyramids, so you could try that.


Do you know what codestone would be required if it did increase that pet's level?

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Well my pet is at level 40 so if it goes up one level it will take me 3 codestones each 1 stat increase which is ridiculous when i don't have everything else maxed out for the two. I have been going through my codestones i won from random events/keyquest. I didn't know you could get them from pyramids. Maybe i will try that. Still a little worried though. I accidently had him as my active not long ago and went up a level while going to Coltzan's Shrine. Had to lose a level at the deadly dice. That slowed his training a lot because i don't stay up that late with school and all.

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Ohhhh. I didn't realize that. My highest level pet is level 18. I don't train my pets. (Though I might start to, so I can beat some of the BD challegers and get avatars.) The only way my pets get level increases, is by RE's, or the Shrine.


In that case, you might not want to risk it.

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uhh im pretty sure that its random. i dont think they pick the weakest or the strongest pet. i mean for example, what if there was a pet you wanted to make a level higher when the other one with the highest level gets the level. so basically yeah, i think thats why it is random.

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I would do it unless the item costs more than the codestones that you need. Have a different pet your active one, that is usually the one the faerie blesses, for me. I know it probably isnt true, but there is no hurt trying.

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They do seem to bless your non-active pet... so if you decide to go for it to minimise the risk put that pet as your active




Hahaha! The exact opposite of what I said! Well, I guess now you should do whatever you want. It doesnt really matter.

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The issue is that the cost would be a long term cost as it would always take 3 codestones from that point until you lose a level so it wouldn't really be cost effective.

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Wow you dodged a bullet, if I was on the limit like that I wouldn't have risked it :S


I wasn't going to either to be honest. But i got annoyed that my shop was full and i couldn't price anything. I got lucky.

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I wasn't going to either to be honest. But i got annoyed that my shop was full and i couldn't price anything. I got lucky.


Did you know that if you have a Faerie Quest, and you don't want to do it, you don't have to wait for it to expire to use the SW. You just go to the Faerie Quest place. (Sometimes it's easier to go to the SW, then click the "Faerie Quest" link.) When you get there, you just select the option to not do the quest. Then you can go back to using the SW and everything.

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Did you know that if you have a Faerie Quest, and you don't want to do it, you don't have to wait for it to expire to use the SW. You just go to the Faerie Quest place. (Sometimes it's easier to go to the SW, then click the "Faerie Quest" link.) When you get there, you just select the option to not do the quest. Then you can go back to using the SW and everything.


I have done that before. But when the item only cost about 700np I couldn't pass it up. I was planning on just waiting until it didn't matter any more since i have forgot about quests for a long time without doing anything with them. I just really want my fountain faerie quest already. I barely ever get faerie quests.

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