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"Ok. COme with me." anime said. She grabbed Metroid and draged him to the Pizza Hut. "Dillon, Metroid kindly vollentered to taste test all your new pizzas!" she called.

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AA finished building a Metroid-seeking missile and launched it. "I wonder where Metroid is right now anyway?"

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TJ read metroids secret thoughts, and went to have a chat with him. "Sorry metroid, I'm outa balloons. Hate to burst your balloon. haha" TJ left cackleing.

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TJ again, could hear metroid in his head. He decided to pay Metroid a visit. "Oh, I'm so scared Metroid, you and your metroid speak." *cackles again*

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While TJ was attached to him, TJ decided to go visit the Pizza Hut, and vonunteer himself for Taste Testing. "This will get metroid off of me, he won't want my pizza hut taste test energy" He though.

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TJ began to take the good pizza's and left the bad ones. He then proceeded to walk to Anime's shop, and yelled, "I've got free pizza."

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TJ handed 3 slices to Anime, here, you look like you need more than a slice. TJ began to look around the store, at the Metroid Baby's.

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