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Guest Christmas Trace (Not Tree)

"Molitovs aren't hard to make." said Trace, then he turned invisible and slipped away.

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Guest Christmas Trace (Not Tree)

Three more Molitovs fly out of nowhere and hit Metroid, causing him to burst into flames.

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antiaircraft was getting impatient because TJ wasn't responding to his pager, so he kept pressing it.

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antiaircraft used a spy satellite to find Metroid and drop a nuclear missile on him.

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After leaving 63 messages on TJ's phone, antiaircraft decided to give up for now and went back to digging.

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Guest Christmas Trace (Not Tree)

Trace, wandering around since the feild fire, found himself at a millitary airforce base. Still in stealth mode, he managed to pull away with an intact MOAB bomb.

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antiaircraft sent TJ an encrypted message concerning the emergency he encountered earlier: "I've found a huge cave full of diamonds!!!"

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